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(Alex's P.O.V)

"Is this normal?" I heard Adam ask Nicole over my screaming.

"Yeah, usually about once every week," She says, calmly flipping through her magazine and then, "OMYGOSH YOU'RE GETTING ADOPTED!!!!!"

Nicole screamed with me, attacking me in a bear-hug.

(Jason's P.O.V)

All the guys were right inside of the door, ya know, just chillin', waiting for the scream fest to be over.

"HEY!!" I yelled over their freaking dominating loudest noise ever screams, "MY EARS HURT."

"Welp, that's too bad for you, isn't it?" Alex said, momentarily, hopefully longer, stopping her screaming,

"Doods, be calm," Mitch said, moving his hands in a 'peace' motion.

"HOW THE FUDGING HELL IS I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM?!? This is booty-licious, thank you guys!!!!!!" Alex yelled at everyone, the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"I like her," Quentin whispered to me, "Maybe she liked belly-rubs, too..."

"Yeah, maybe," I mumbled back to Quentin, off in my own thought world. Dang it, she's so pretty, like her hair and her eyes sparkling and just, wow.

Just then, Ty's stomach decided to make itself known. Holy cow, he must be hungry!

"Was that lightning?" Alex asked no one in particular as she ran to look out the window, "That doesn't make any sense whatsoever; it's all bright and sunny outside!"

There was dead silence for a minute, then everyone, except for Alex and Nicole, I don't think I've ever laughed this hard in my life then I had today!

"What's so funny?" Nicole asked, completely oblivious.

"That was..." Ty gasped in between laughs, "My stomach... idiots... I'm starving!!!"

(Alex's P.O.V)

It slowly dawned on me that it was Ty's stomach, very slowly, actually really un-naturally slowly. So slowly that the guys had awkwardly stopped laughing and were looking at me oddly, like I was some alien life form. This went in for a few, really awkward seconds, and then I bet you could see the light-bulb that went off above my head, I swear to God it's the biggest light-bulb that I've ever had and it wasn't even over something remotely important.

What did I do?

I started laughing, for like 30 seconds, then I slowly faded out, realizing that no one was laughing with me.

"So, do we get out much?" Dakota asked me, gently teasing me for being so slow.

"Um, yeah, totally, like every day." I stumbled over my own words, yup; this was a great first impression. Sense the sarcasm peoples.

"She really means, like, once a month," Nicole loudly whispered.

"Yeah, me too!! WE ARE THE RARE SPECIES OF HUMANS THAT NEED NO LIGHT!!!!" Adam yelled with pride at the top of his lungs.

"Yeah buddy!" Quentin agreed with Adam.

"Food?" Ty moaned, clutching his stomach in the most mock pain I have ever seen.

"Nope!" I said, "Nicole and I already ate! Which thus means that you don't get food!" I smirked at him.

I heard whispers go around the room like; "Thus?!" "Who on earth uses the word 'thus'?" "Thus? I like it!"

I giggled mentally and Ty ignored everything and looked at me with puppy-eyes; "Food?" He asked pitifully.

"Yeah! I was just teasing you! I'm actually starving too!"

"Meanie," Ty grumble at me.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I playfully punched him.

These guys sure love their food!


Idk what to put here. So, um, hope you guyz like it! I

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