Zombie Doods

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(Taylor’s P.O.V last night)

I’m driving back from the bank to the motel were we’re staying at. I have great news to tell everyone tomorrow morning, and that is we’re getting full coverage on everything!! Our insurance company is the best!

(Alex’s P.O.V)

How long can these people stay asleep?? I mean, I’ve been up for two fricking hours and I’m starting to suspect that maybe these people have died in their sleep. Barely anyone has move, gosh dang.

Maybe it was time to have a little fun…

I grabbed my sharpies that I happened to have in my purse and my emergency makeup kit that was also in my purse. Aw yeah, bonus points for having huge purse!!

Moments later, the boys looked drop-dead gorgeous, well, considering the fact that they’re boys and wearing a butt-load of makeup. For the finishing touch, all of the boys either had unibrows or very, very nice moustaches. Take notice that all of the unibrows and moustaches were all drawn in sharpies, and that they were not coming out for a super-duper long time.

I was planning on the boys waking up by me sticking makeup and sharpies on their faces but I guess not. Man, these guys can pretty much sleep through anything. But, they all look adorable sleeping with their makeup on… time to change that though…

I start jumping on all of the beds, jumping from one bed to another, never touching the ground. Most of the doods moaned and groaned and shoved their head underneath the people. I swear I heard Quinton mutter, “Nuuuuuuuuuu.”

Everyone was starting to get up and stretch, most of them are zombies. Literally. None of them have even batted an eye at each other’s makeup and beautiful unibrows. Hehe!

Jordan was somehow still asleep, that was un-human in every sort of way possible. Like, what the dickens man?? This is un-natural!

I tap Jerome on the shoulder, since he happened to be the unlucky guy sharing a bed with Jordan, and motioned for him to get up. He got up, just took like five gazillion years.

I manage to take out my IPod, and detangle it and deattach it from my headphones. I go into my clock and start the timer for two minutes, and set the alarm to the most annoying alarm ever. I despise that alarm, it’s actually quite useful for waking up for school in the morning, although, I’m usually in a really bad mood for the first period or two.

I place my IPod right on the side of Jordan’s head, angling the speakers towards his ear.

Somehow, the guys managed to sort of zombie-walk over to Jordan’s bed, to watch the magic unfold.

The IPod was still on. 3 seconds left… 2… 1….. BLEE BLOO BLEEE BLLOOOOOOOO BLLLEEEEEE.

Mai gosh, that thing’s loud.

Jordan bolted awake and managed to successfully tangle himself in his blankets which then thusly caused him to fall to the floor in a little cocoon of blankets.

Everyone was busting a gut laughing and I was even having a hard time keeping in my chuckles.

“You guys look funny too,” Jordan mumbled, trying to wake up a bit and figured out what the hell just happened.

“What did you do?” Mitch turned around and asked me, eyes wide. Wow, this is pathetic, gosh dang, they literally are zombies in the morning. I shake my head in despair and motion towards the other’s faces.

Mitch turns around in slow motion, and ends up staring right at Adam.

“Why hello there,” Adam said, sort of uncomfortable.

“AHAHAHAH,” Mitch laughed like there was no tomorrow, after a few minutes straightening up and gasping out, “Your face looks like a princess’s, in fact, all of yours do!”

“You’re the prettiest princess though dood,” Jerome replied with a smirk on his lips.

The news of what Mitch just said about everyone looking like a princess just hit everyone like a ton of bricks, and they all went charging to the bathroom.

Mental face-palm, boys are idiots.

Once everyone crammed into the bathroom, I covered my ears and closed my eyes, running as far as I could away from the bathroom, knowing that all hell was going to break loose.

Dang it.

Where am I going to hide?


yay filler chapters. 

I have no clue what to do next so if someone would like to leave a comment and suggest something that'd be awesome!!

Stay Strong, my Warriors. <3

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