Sleepless Nights

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(Alex's P.O.V)

After the family meeting, it was time for dinner and then for bed. Dinner wasn't that exciting at all. Just loads of goofing around and we may it may by have started a small-ish, not really, food fight.

I say goodnight to everyone, and hug everyone as well, I headupstairs to my room. There was no way, not even if you bribed me with chocolate, which is saying a lot, you can get me to sleep tonight. I have a really hard time falling asleep. I can't go to sleep easily, but once I'm asleep, I'm asleep like a Medusa victim. Which is to say, like a rock. (A/N 100000 points if you understand the Percy Jackson reference!!) So, I don't really have insomnia or anything serious like that.

I pull on my long comfy pants and a blue T-Shirt to go with them. I began the nightly routine of taking off the make-up and washing my face. I take my showers in the morning, or else my hair like to go 'POOF' when I wake up. Trust me, it's not pretty!

The boys must've been really sleepy because all was quiet at around 10:30 at night. I snuck out of my room and, sure enough, all the lights were off. I'm not really scared of the dark so I don't need to turn on the lights, which is really a good thing because some of these dudes might be light-sleepers.

I ran over the choices of where I could go to listen to music for a whole before going trying to go to bed. On place stood out in particular in my mind, the backyard. It was a really quiet backyard, with a little fountain and loads of huge trees that made such a pretty rustling sound when the wind ran through them.

I snuck out into the backyard and quietly gasp, quickly slapping my hands over my mouth, when I saw I wasn't the only one who was having trouble sleeping.

The figure turned around, must've heard my gasp, and calls out softly; "Mitch? Is that you, Biggums?"

"No," I said, this just be Fluffy, "Alex, and what are you doing out here?" I ask as I walk to him and take a seat underneath the tree he was sitting against.

"I could ask the same thing of you," Fluffy chuckles lightly, "Just needed to clear my head of some things. What about you?"

"I have a hard time going to sleep, but it's nothing serious, like insomnia or anything like that," I reply, "Hey can I ask you a second question?"

"You haven't asked me a first one, though." He said, confusion showing through his voice.

"I asked you one when I asked you if I could ask you a question!" That's a lot if 'asks'!" I smile.

He laughs, "Ok, shoot!"

"Why do you go by 'Fluffy'?"

You could see the sudden swing of moods in him, from laughing and joking to serious and quiet.

"Oh," He says softly.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I remind him.

"I want to, it's just hard." He confesses to me.

"Just pretend I'm Mitch, then!" I smile at him, even though he can't see it.

"Ok, well, when I was little, I got teased a lot because of my name. I ended up hating it, despising it even. I never went by it, and I'm afraid that if I let people in too quick, then they're going to hate it, too. It's a really unique name, so my mom tells me, so I suppose that's why they did it." He says really quickly and fast, so it took me a few seconds to decipher what he said.

I nod, "So, what is your real name, then?"

"Jerome," He says, almost sounding like he hates the way it rolls off his tongue.

"That's such a cool name!!!!!!!" I whisper-yell, fangirling.

I can feel him smile, a real, genuine smile. And it's one of the greatest feelings ever.


Hope y'all like it!

I'm nearly falling asleep as I type this I'm just like UGH.

Anywho, I'm going to go over all the chapters during the weekend to fix like typos and things like that because I write it all out on the computer in Microsoft word and then type it out on my phone because I'm awesome like that.


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