Oh No.

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~Kate's pov~
I let Mario read the note and he stormed out I tried texting him but he wouldn't answer. I need to find out who left that to explain to Mario nothing's going on...

~Mario's pov~
How could she do this does she know how much I care about her what did I do to deserve this...
She was texting me I ignored them but I text her
•<text between Mario and Kate>•

Me-Kate we're over

Kate😘-Mario it's not what it looks like I don't even know who it's from

Me-bye Kate!

•<end of text>•

~Hunters pov~
Where is she I though she would be here by now... I set up this perfect date spot (picture) I know it's bad that I made her think this is Mario but how else would she come I think then my thought is interrupted by someone walking up it was Kate
"Hunter?" She asked
"Kate you came" I say
"Hunter why did you leave that note know Mario thinks I'm cheating on him" she says starting to cry
"I didn't know he would find out Kate I'm so sorry" I say
"He broke up with me"she says
"All call him right now and tell him" I say calling him

•<phone call with Mario>•
M-hey Hunter what's up
H-I left the note and Kate thought is was you there's noting going on

Short update only cause I've updated 3 times today and I plan to update again tonight so be ready... Shoutout to debaniramos for the idea 😄

The decision that changed everything (Mario Selman)Where stories live. Discover now