The note...

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~Kate's pov~
(Out side of Kate's house in the picture)
When I get home I go get ready for the park most the time my mom would so not let me leave the house this late but since it was a date with Mario she let me.
When I finally finished getting ready I went downstairs and got on Instagram and see...
The picture of me and Mario and it says "just meeting fans that support makes me happy"
Well then I guess I'm just a fan...
After all of this I decided to stand him up and text him saying

•<text to Mario>•
Me-I thought for once someone actually cared about me am I just some little game to you if so you won cause I'm not playing anymore maybe being with Hunter would have been better for me you think I'm just some fan and in your bio it says single so what are you ashamed of me or something well now you don't have to be im done bye Mario 😓✌🏽️.

~Mario's pov~
I'm in my bed laying down when I get a text...

•<text between Mario and Kate>•
Kate😘-I thought for once someone actually cared about me am I just some little game to you if so you won cause I'm not playing anymore maybe being with Hunter would have been better for me you think I'm just some fan and in your bio it says single so what are you ashamed of me or something well now you don't have to be im done bye Mario 😓✌🏽️.

Me-Kate it's not like that I said that cause I don't want you to get hate I know how if feels and it sucks Kate I love you please just come over so I can explain!!

I know that was gonna happen I thought she wouldn't see it...

Kate😘- Mario you have 5 minutes to get over here and explain after 5 minutes I'm locking the door...

•<end of conversation>•

Oh sh*t....

~Kate's pov~
I really hope Mario comes while I wait I call Hope..
(Phone call between Hope and Kate)
H=Hope K=Kate

H-hey babe what's up
K-I think me and Mario are gonna break up what do I do I can't screw this up I love him Hope
H-woah babe calm down what happened
*skip telling her about the text*
H-you better pray he's there before you lock the door why would you tell him that Kate

~Mario's pov~
I told my mom I'll de right back and I ran to Kate's I did t bother knocking cause I was in a rush I ran upstairs when I hear her on the phone

K-"I know hope it was stupid but I can't lose him I love him and if I lose him I have nothing left he is my happiness, my love, my life I can't lose him Hope "She said crying
I ran in the room and hugged her
"Sorry I stood you up" she says
"What"I say
"The note you left last night"she says kinda confused
"I didn't leave a note"I say

The decision that changed everything (Mario Selman)Where stories live. Discover now