Time To Talk To Mario...

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~Kate's pov~
I finally finished packing it was 9:00 they leave for the airport at 9:30 I didn't know if u should meet him and the airport or go to the hotel so I text Hunter.

•<text between Kate and Hunter>•

Me-hey should I meet him at the airport or go to the hotel..?

Hunter😁🤘🏼-I knew you liked him

Me-yeah yeah now where

Hunter😁🤘🏼-the airport... In ten minutes


•<end of text>•

"Mom I need you to take me to the airport" I say
"Why Kate?" She asked
"Mario..." I say
"I thought famous people never like people like you?" She says
"Mom please"I say
"Get in the car" she says

~Hunters pov~
I can't believe it she likes him..god Mario gets all the pretty girls..! What if I like her??
"Hey Hunter you ready to go?" Mario asks
"Yeah" I say and we leave

~:at the airport:~

~Kate's pov~
Omg what am I gonna say what if he doesn't like me..!
"Kate" someone says
I look up and it's Mario
"I thought you didn't leave till tomorrow?" He says
"I do leave tomorrow"I say
"Why are you here then" he asks
"Because I think I love you..." I say
No one says anything so I turn around and walk off.!
Why did I do that I think to myself...

~Mario's pov~
Did she really say that...
Oh no know she's walking away what do I say I love her to only I dont think I love her I know I do...
"Umm Mario she's walking away" cat says (my sister)
"What do I do cat" I ask
"Go stop her" she says
"Okay" I stand there for a second..
"UMM NOW" Cat yells

~Kate's pov~
"Kate" I hear behind my
It's Mario...
"I love you Kate I knew from the first time I laid my eyes on you I would love you I just didn't think you felt the same..." Mario says
I run up to him and hug him he picks me up and spins me around...(picture)
"Mario" I say
"Yeah" he says
"I love you" I say

~Mario's pov~
"I love you"she says
I lean in so does she and and are lips meet...

~Kate's pov~
Did Mario Selman just kiss me??
"Yes he did" Mario said laughing
"I said that out loud did I?" I ask
"Yes you did"he said smiling
"Plain to Florida is now boarding" a lady says over the intercom
"Looks like I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow?" He says
"Yeah see you tomorrow"I say
"What time do you land in Florida?" He asked
"12:00" I say
"See you at 12:00 then"
"Bye"I say
"Bye" he says letting go of my hand

~Mario's pov~
I turn around and walk to my plain
"What?" I ask all of them cause they were staring at me
"Oh nothing" cat says
And we get on the plain
Cat sits next to the window Hunter in the middle and me on the out side.
My mom is sitter in the row next to us when she asks me "who was that girl?"
"Umm that's Kate" I say
"And when do I get to meet this Kate?" She ask
"Tomorrow at 12" I say
"So is that your way of saying you need a ride somewhere?" She asked
"Yes the airport please" I say
"Of course" she says then goes back to talking to hunters mom.

~Hunters pov~
Well...so much for telling her how I feel

•<plain lands now everyone is at Mario's>•

~Mario's pov~
I called Kate when I got home I was in my room when Hunter comes in and says "I like Kate"
"What" I say
"Kate I like her" he replied
"Get out"I say
"Mario"he says
"OUT NOWW" I yelled
he leaves
"Kate are you there" I ask
"Yeah who was that" she asked
"Oh it was cat she wouldn't get out" I say lying
"I know it was Hunter why did you lie to me Mario" she said
"Well Hunter just told me he liked you and I thought you liked him back so I didn't want to tell you" I say
"Mario I don't like him" she says
"I'm sorry" I say
"Next time just tell me okay"she says
"Okay I will I promise"I say
"Okay I gonna go to bed goodnight"she says
"Goodnight"I say then the line ends

~Kate's pov~
When I end the call with Mario I get in the shower when I get out I have a message from Hunter...

Hunter😁🤘🏼-I like you Kate i know you like Mario but I had to tell you message me back how you feel.!

I began to type...

Sorry it took me so long to update I dropped my phone in the toilet 😂 my luck but I'll gonna update later today

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