You Belong With Me

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-Hayleigh POV-


"Mom! Dillon? What kind of place even is that? Why couldn't you have just got a job here in Dallas, that way we could have stayed here? But no, you and dad got to drag me hours away from all my friends to a small town. A small town!" I said freaking out as I helped carry boxes to the car.

"Oh Hayleigh Mae calm down you know I couldn't find a job here and you will love Dillon. Please just give it a chance, for me." My mom said as she looked at me and smiled. "I am sure it will grow on you once we get there."

That was it, we were going to Dillon and leaving the city I had always lived in and loved.


I laid there in bed, it was the first day of my senior year and naturally I didn't want to get out of bed. I couldn't believe this was my last year of high school already, it seemed like we had just moved but it was actually my freshman year.

"Hayleigh, you need to get up Darling!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

I started to get up and get ready. Once I had gotten ready I grabbed my cheer bag and went downstairs to see my parents.

I smiled at them and started pouring a cup of coffee when my dad said "Hayleigh, you need to come home after practice we are going to eat dinner with the Garritys."

I sighed at the mention of the Garritys or me having to go to their house and said "I would rather not, can you and mom just go?"

He gave me that look and knew it was something I couldn't get out of. "Hayleigh you have to go, Buddy is my soon to be business partner, and you and Lyla cheer together every day you can't dislike her that much." He said.

I smiled and hugged him "I will go but only for you and it doesn't make me like her anymore."

I grabbed my things and headed to school. I knew I had to help with the auditions of the new cheerleaders after school. I had been on the team since we had moved to Dillon and this was a big deal to do every year. The only downfall to doing this was I had to do it with none other than Lyla Garrity, but at least Callie was helping too.

I walked into school and immediately heard Callie, she had been my best friend for as long as I had been here. She came over to me and said "Are you ready for this evening? I heard the Italian girl is going to audition."

I looked at her and sighed "Excited for practice? Yes. Excited to go to Lyla's? I think not. And why is she auditioning? This isn't her first year here like she waited till her senior year. And she seems way to happy, her and Lyla can be great friends. Maybe she can date Saracen and be Lyla's little twin. "

Callie laughs at my comments as we walk to class and says "Oh Gosh! They could go on Quarterback double dates and how did you get trapped into going to her house?"

"Well my dad and Buddy Garrity are going to be business partners, so they invited us over and dad is making us go." I said still laughing at her comment.

"But does he not remember what happened last year? Is he really going to make you sit through that? This is so uncalled for!" Callie said shocked.

I giggled at her reaction "I never told he doesn't know and we aren't going to tell him either." I said as I walked into class.

Later that evening at the auditions, we had seen a bunch of auditions and we were getting ready to leave when a happy girl with an accent came in. After her audition we were done and when I was walking out to the car I heard someone say something. I turned around and the Italian girl was trying to get my attention. "Hi, do you need something? And the name is Hayleigh Porter by the way." I said.

"Oh I am Paisley Hale and I didn't need anything, just wanted to talk to you." She said happily and smiled.

"Well I got to get going, who made the team will be posted in the morning bye." I said as I got into my car.

When I got home both my parents were ready to go and waiting on me, so I ran upstairs and changed.

I hurried back downstairs and looked at mom with pleading eyes, hoping she would get me out of this. She hugged me tightly and whispered "I'm sorry sweetheart but we can get through this together you know her peppy mother drives me insane."

I giggled at my mom's remark that Lady was way to peppy! And we left to go to dinner at the Garritys. Just kill me now! I thought as we pulled into their driveway to Lyla and Jason Street sucking face.

I got out of the car and walked into the house with my parents just wanting this whole thing to be over. I took off my shoes and heard Lyla's mom start in on book club, Book club! I mean come on it, even sounds miserable to drink wine and gossip with her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she said "Hello Hayleigh! It's so nice to see you guys, Lyla is around her somewhere."

I smiled and said "yes, I seen her on the way inside, she was seeing how much of her tongue she could get in Jason Streets mouth." I could feel both my parents staring and as if I had just murdered a loved one but I was proud of myself for that one.

After being there all evening, we finally got going around 10 P.M. and was I happy to get going. It was so awful I would have rather watched paint dry, the only highlight to the evening was the comments her little brother would make. I feel like me and him could be pretty good friends.

The drive home was very quiet and I knew my dad was mad at me. I was dreading what he would say when we got home. Maybe I wasn't on my best behavior there but she wasn't all last year...I know forgive and forget but how could you when so many mean things were said. It was a pointless comment I made and when people knew, it was blew way out of proportions.

I walked into the house and went straight up to my room hoping to avoid anything my dad had to say. I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed, laying down. I laid there snuggled under a blanket, I wanted to cry but it knew it would be best to not to right now.

As I laid there with Greys Anatomy on, just thinking over everything and trying to make some sense of it. When I heard someone coming up the stairs and I knew they were coming to my room, since I was the only one up here.

My mom walked in and I sit up, patting the bed for her to sit down with me. I teared up and felt her arms slip around me and pull me close to her and she said "What's wrong baby?"

I held onto to her crying and mumbles "Dad probably hates me now..."

She smiled kissing my head "Darling, your father does not hate you, I promise. He isn't even mad at you. Just calm down, its ok."

We talked for a while about a lot of things and different people, It felt like she was the only I could talk to at times.

The next day was Saturday and we had practice all day, the first practice for the new girls. After getting everything with them straightened out we were going to do a simple lift. I was one of the flyers, so I got in the air and the new Italian girl lost her hold.

It crumbled and I hit the ground, I got up so mad or maybe I was more embarrassed. The football team was there on the field practicing, so it was probably shame. I got up and dusted myself off, looking at Paisley and said "You cannot be on this team if you don't even have the strength to do a basic lift! You know we have the first game of the season coming up and this kind of mess up can't happen there. Someone trade newbies with me please!"

I looked over at Callie and rolled my eyes, she giggled and mouthed "I'm sorry! These newbies are the worst. I want to talk to you after practice okay?" I smiled, nodding then got back to practicing.

-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)

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