Pity Party

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-Paisley's POV-

The next day I woke up in Matts arms. I know I wasn't supposed to see him or be around him but I've missed him so much I just needed him. I smiled at the thought of lying next to him, I've missed his strong arms wrapped around me and his little baby face snuggled up in his pillow. His mouth was opened a bit to form the shape of an 'o' it was absolutely adorable, he was snoring softly looking totally at peace. I kissed his nose and looked at my phone. I had 20 miss calls and text messages from her mostly saying I'm in big trouble, blah blah blah. I don't care, I put my phone down and cuddled up to Matt. I started to think about everything that happened last night with Hayleigh and I. I teared up thinking about how much I miss her and how I can't believe we aren't friends anymore. I sniffed up my tears and decided to not let people walk over me no more.

"Paisley?" Matt rubbed his eyes and sat up, his voice sounding a bit husky.

"Yes Matty?" I smiled at him snapping out of my thoughts.

"What time is it?" He grabbed his phone and shot out of bed. "12:30 NO NO NO I SHOULD HAVE BEEN UP BY NOW PAISLEY WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME?" He freaked out throwing pants and a shirt on.

Why is he freaking out so badly? I said "I-I just woke up Matt I-"

He cut me off and ran out of the room, saying "Just forget it."

I got up and watched him look for his grandma's medicine she was supposed to take. I watched him mumble words under his breath like, "where are they?" "Why aren't they here?" "She seems okay but she needs these." He was really worried and afraid to lose her. I felt my heart sink, I couldn't help but feel like if he lost her it was all my fault I didn't wake him to give her, her medicine on time. He grabbed them and grabbed some juice hurrying to his grandma.

"Grandma please take these. You should have taken those hours ago but I didn't wake up." He looked down with guilt all over his face.

"Matt calm down its okay, I'll be fine as long as I take them its okay." She kissed his forehead and took her medicine.

You could tell by Matt's face he was relaxed right as she swallowed the pills and watched her shows. He got up and started walking towards his room. I sat down on his bed ready for a blow up or something, he just sat down next to me quietly. Minutes passed and no one said anything, he sighed and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry Paisley for being like that, she's just all the family I have right now and if she ever died I don't know what I would do." He said and looked down at his feet.

I rested my head on his shoulder holding his hand letting my thumb run across the back of his hand. "It's okay Matt, I understand why you were upset. Let's have a fun day today, we could do anything you want." I smiled and he smiled back kissing the top of my head.

"Can we go to an arcade?" He sounded like an excited six year old asking his mother for a brand new nerf gun.

"Yes we can." I giggled and got up getting dressed and ready for the day.

We left around 1 o'clock and went to the arcade. The first thing Matt wanted to do was Ski ball, I was awful at this game but it sounded like fun. Matt paid for both of us to play at the same time, right as the start button flashed we counted to 3. First one with more points wins!

"1..." Matt said excitedly.

"2..." I giggled and shoved him playfully, screaming.

"3!" I said, pressing the start button and started rolling the balls, I got 10 points three times in a row. Matt laughed at me and pointed his finger at me pressing his start button.

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