Fire Meets Gasoline

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*Hayleigh's POV*

The next week at cheer practice, I pulled in and was ready to lead because I was sure I'd have too. But don't get me wrong, just because I am ready doesn't mean I'm not nervous. I had never led a practice before, hopefully this went well.

Practice went flawless, the new cheerleaders where really doing good and fitting in. I was standing there talking to Paisley at the end and Tessa said "Hayleigh, I seen you at the Mall the other day. I see you were talking to Saracen, is he who you are going for now?"

I sighed and looked at her saying "Whatever Tessa! I haven't got time for you and this crap."

I was leaving when she yelled "I just thought you were, since your other Quarterback can't put out anymore, you know being him being paralyzed and all."

I didn't even stop and turn around I just kept going, biting my lip. I couldn't stand her, I honestly don't know why it is so important to her, to make me miserable. I heard Paisley catch up and say "Hey! You ok after that?"

I stopped and I didn't mean to snap on her but it just came out. I said in a shaky voice "Don't just stand there and let that happen, then ask if I am ok! Do I seem freaking ok Paisley, I'm not! I can't believe you, I only talked to him for you and you used me for that! Have fun on your date with Saracen Thursday but please leave me alone!"

I left after that and drove home, I sat there in the driveway just crying. I didn't feel like I could get out or do anything, I didn't want to move. I was home alone this evening anyway, so I just sat there. I was thinking about everything and letting it all out. After a while I wiped my eyes and went in changing out of my practice clothes, fixing my makeup. When I finally started to look acceptable I called Callie. When she answered I said "Hey, you want to go bowling or something?"

She smiled and replied "Yes, sounds fun but I am not ready, come on over. We can leave when I get ready. See you soon!"

I smiled as she ended the call, then grabbed my things and drove to her house. I walked in and waved at her parents, before going to her room. She was at the closet looking for something to wear. "Hey!" I said.

She turned to look at me holding up two outfits and said "Hey so what happened at practice today? I heard Tessa said some things and Paisley cried. And which one you like better?"

I laid there on her bed and replied "Well, Tessa did say some things but I am pretty sure I was the one who made Paisley cry. Oops! I think you should wear the left outfit for sure."

She smiled and went to change, then came back and started doing her makeup and said "how did you make her cry?"

I laid there and explained everything while she got ready. When she finished getting ready, she told her parents we were leaving. I drove us to the Bowling Alley, we bowled for what felt like forever. We had a really time and honestly I needed it after the day I was having. We laughed a lot and talked about a lot of things that had happened recently, well except for the whole being friends with Paisley thing. I wasn't sure how to tell her, I just don't want her to get upset.

After that, we swung by the Alamo Freeze and got milkshakes. We were driving back when she told me quickly to pull over beside the road. Once we got stopped there I looked at her and said "What was that for?"

She smiled watching something and then pointed "Isn't that Lyla and Tim Riggins? And if it is she is beating up on him."

I nodded in agreement, it was for sure them and neither one of them looked to happy. All the sudden they started making out, we both gasped. Callie said "OH MY GOSH!"

I look over at her and we are both still in shock at whatever was just then going on. Finally I pulled back out and drove to her house, I didn't have any words for what had just happened. I let her out and drove home to see my parents had not got home yet.

I went upstairs and laid there on my bed, thinking. What did I just stumble into? What does this mean? What do I do now? I asked myself these questions and I didn't have an answer for the first two but I the third.

I grabbed my things and went downstairs to see if my parents left me a note or anything. They should have been home by now but since they aren't I don't have to ask if I can leave. I grabbed my keys and left a note saying I would be back later, in case they do come home soon.

I drove to the hospital and took a deep breathe, getting out. I walked to the front desk and ask for Jason Streets room. I went up there and looked at the door and thought is this even a good idea? This seems like a bad idea. Should I just leave? I think I should leave...No Hayleigh this is your only chance. I took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door, walking in. I had this huge lump in my throat but I knew I had to speak, I was just thinking Use your words Hayleigh and I said "Hey, how you feeling? I was just going to come check on you. You know, the cheer squad was wondering."

Oh my Hayleigh, you shouldn't be doing this! You are just making a fool of yourself! Why did I even say that? I walked closer and smiled a little and he said "I'm ok, I guess...have you seen Lyla?"

I stopped where I was I knew I could say something, because I had in fact seen her. But I wasn't going to go to that level and replied "No I haven't sorry, and I am sorry for coming... it's late and I'm sorry. I'll go."

I turned around and was leaving, so embarrassed of myself. You really screwed that up, Hayleigh! I thought. I reached for the door knob, when I heard "You don't have to leave...I mean you can but you know you could stay, for the cheer squad."

I smiled like a freaking idiot, then bit my lip turning around. I sit down in the nearby chair, I didn't know what to say but I was ok with this too. I looked at him and you could see the sadness in his beautiful green eyes and I said with a comforting smile "You okay?"

"I let everyone down...I ruined my future...I can't ever walk again...I can barely even use my hands...and Lyla just comes in here and thinks everything will be fine when it's not..." he said as tears started running down his face.

I gently reached up and wiped away the tears, I grabbed his hand and said "I don't believe any that. You didn't let anyone down and I promise you that there more to you than football, you just got to find it, I see it. Also miracles happen Everyday Street, you just can't give up."

The rest of the night was pretty great, I couldn't have ask for it to go any better. The next morning I woke up and I was still there. Oh Gosh I spent the night! I started to freak out, I couldn't believe this. Someone could have come or anything, my parents were going to kill me. I looked at him and smiled at him sleeping and whispered "I love you Jason." I kissed his forehead gently and snuck out of the room.

I didn't want to get home, because I couldn't really tell them where I had been. I pulled into the driveway and walked in. I tried to just go on upstairs but I heard them call for me from the Kitchen. I walked in there and looked at them and my dad said "Where have you been? We got home last night expecting for you to be here. You were so I called Callie and she said you left her house and came home! So Hayleigh?"

I sighed and said "I just went out and stayed with a friend. I am really sorry I didn't tell you. I should have called."

My mom looked at me and I could tell she was upset. "This is so unlike you Hayleigh! We were worried about you! Don't make us lose trust in you...we expected you to be here at home, safe!"

I sighed and nodded, I didn't want to fight with them but I don't get why it was such a huge deal. They were gone too and I had a really good night. As I thought of it I felt a smile creep upon my face. That was when my mom said "So, Hayleigh do you have anything to say? You seem pretty happy about your night out!"

My smile soon faded and I said "It wasn't anything, I was just hanging with was nothing."

Mom rolled her eyes and said "I don't know what to believe anymore Hayleigh! You were probably out screwing some guy!"

I teared up and said "Y-you really think I w-would do that? I thought you knew me better than that! You have changed so much..."

I ran upstairs crying and slammed my bedroom door, I laid there on my bed crying. My dad looked at my mom and said "Shelly, that was uncalled for..."

-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)

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