Thank U's

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-Paisley's POV-

I ran over to Matt and jumped out in his arms smiling. He laughed and we slipped into the mud. "I will always love you Matt Saracen. " I smiled and he kissed me, I was so proud of him. He has gotten so much better then when he first started playing, I'm so proud of my Matty.

He smiled and rolled me over in the mud so he's on top of me and I'm under him. I laughed and wiggled a bit and put some mud in his hair laughing. "Oh hey!" He said, laughing and put some in my hair.

Oh this is where we're going?! I grabbed more mud and rubbed it all over his face but made sure he could still see. He laughed and got up grabbing more, "you ready for this?" He smirked at me and said "Of course!"

I smirked grabbing some and throwing it at him laughing. He laughed at me and threw some back we kept doing that for an hour until we we're completely drenched in mud. "I surrender! My jersey surrenders! I think we need to wash our uniforms and go to bed." I giggled and hugged him kissing him lightly.

"Let's go home." He said and we walked to his house, I gave him a kiss saying our goodbyes.

The next day I woke up excited to see Matt again. I was still so excited and proud of him for winning last night to go to state! I got dressed and hurried over to the school looking everywhere for him. I walked up to the school and saw the back of his head. "MATTY!" I screamed and ran up jumping into his arms making us fall over.

he laughed and kissed me, "Hey what was that for?!" He chuckled helping me up.

"I'm just happy to see you! Where you able to sleep last night? I wasn't able to. I'm still on a high I've missed you so much and I'm so proud of you! You won the game, Matt were going to State!" I smiled jumping excitedly and hugged him.

He smiled really wide, you could tell her was proud of himself for winning "I'm excited but we have to practice, I have to practice today. I won't be able to hang out after practice because I'm staying for a bit to practice more." He said grabbing my hand.

I was happy for him but at the same time I was worried. He's so excited but you could tell he was beating himself up in his head about it. He wasn't prepared for state and he knew that, but he didn't want to let me down, the team down, the school, or the town down. Football is this towns life and Matt feels the pressure on his shoulders. "Okay babe but please don't over work yourself and enjoy your victory!" I smiled and kissed his cheek walking into the school with him.

Smash came over and shook him a bit then did their "bro" hug. Tim smiled and waved at him, as we walked to his locker everyone would come up to him and say congratulations and gave him hugs and took pictures with him like he was someone famous. I stay back and watched how happy he was to be getting all this attention. He opened his locker and there were freshly baked cookies with a note inside that says,

Good luck at State Matt. Thanks for the win! Go Panthers!


He looked over at me and smiled, asking "You didn't have to make these."

I giggled and shook my head "I didn't Matty." I grabbed one and ate it, "but whoever did makes awesome cookies!" I giggled and are my cookie as Lyla came over.

"Oh Matt I see you got my cookies. How are they?" She smiled and leaned against the locker on his right hand side.

I got really Jealous all of a sudden, I knew she did that to be nice but I didn't like it at all "They're good thanks Lyla thanks." Matt said, putting them back in his locker and grabbed his books.

"Hey anything for a Panther! I'm having a party tonight why don't you come Matt?" Lyla smiled and hugged him, I couldn't help but walk to his side and grab his hand.

"He would love to but he's going to practice tonight." I said uneasy.

"Oh come on Paisley you could come too." Lyla smiled at me grabbing my free hand.

I pulled away and looked at Matt then put on a fake smile "I was going to Hayleigh's tonight but thank you for the invite. See you at practice."

She smiled and nodded at my response "Okay well y'all can come whenever you'd like. See ya!" She smiled and left.

I walked Matt to his next class and met up with Hayleigh. "Hey Hayleigh! How is everything going?!" I smiled at her.

She looked over and smiled back waving "Hey Paisley, everything's good. How excited is Matt about the win?!" She asked seeming happier than normal.

"Good, good, hey is everything alright? You seem very...happy?" I couldn't find the word, but I also didn't want to sound extremely rude.

She giggled and sighed happily "Yes I'm good, I'm just happy, I was with Jason all day yesterday and we had a good day, I'm just excited to see him after school." She smiled to herself thinking about him.

Jason and Hayleigh are the cutest couple in the world. I love them so much together, I haven't known Hayleigh long but when I first saw her she was so closed off, quiet, and to herself, she would only talk to Callie no one else but her, but once she became my bestie and started dating Jason she's become an extremely happy gal. "Aww!! You guys are so cute." We sat and talked for a while about what's been going on lately.

While Hayleigh went to hang out with Jason I watched the team practice. I snook up to the top of the bleachers watching them practice for a good two hours and thirty minutes. Usually practice is a hour and a half but today was special. After it was over everyone went home but Matt. It started to pour down rain but he kept practicing. Landry was on the side lines cheering him on and screaming at him like he was the coach. Matt was giving it his all, his face was extremely red and he was breathing heavy but he didn't care he kept on going. Landry told him to do some random play but Matt ended up slipping in the mud and grabbed his ankle like it was twisted or something. I could watch this madness go on anymore I ran down there and grabbed his shoulder.

"Are you okay! What hurts?! Do you need ice?! Oh man this is why you shouldn't practice so much you'll get hurt!" I was panicking looking at his leg he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Babe I'm fine I just tripped over my foot and slipped in the mud. Everything's okay, what are you doing here? What about Hayleigh?" He asked getting up and giving me his jacket.

"She's with Jason and I'm meeting up with her later, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I was worried about you." I looked at my feet afraid he was mad for watching. He smiled and sat next to me drinking his water.

"It's okay I'm glad you came, let's go to my house. I can practice again tomorrow; you need warm clothes you're probably going to get a cold." We went back to his place and he helped me change into some of his warm clothes and made me hot coco. He smiled and kissed my cheek sitting next to me on his bed. "How's your hot chocolate?" He asked me.

"Good, I'm all nice and toasty!" I smiled giggling at him cuddling up to him. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked looking at him.

"Sure go on ahead!" He said cuddling up to me holding me close.

"Are you scared to go to state?" I looked up at him.

he sighed and tried to avoid eye contact "If I'm being honest...yes. I'm afraid I'm going to fail and let everyone down. If we lose they'll look at me and tell me I'm awful and how I should of never became QB 1." He frowned and kept going. "I'm pushing myself to practice more because of I don't I won't be good enough to win state and I'll be known as the kid who lost us state."

You could hear his voice crack and he teared up thinking about all the hate he could get for possibly messing up the future game. I frowned and hugged him tightly. "Mathew Saracen you will NOT lose this game. I understand where you're coming from but in all honesty you've gotten so much better you have a better chance of winning state than old Matt. Breathe, I know it's hard now with all this weight on your shoulders but Matt you can't think like that. If you do you will lose and it will not be pretty. So you could either lose and be sad or win and be happy or lose but let everyone be happy for you because you tried." I kissed his nose and smiled. Matt was my everything and I would do whatever it takes for him to be happy and excited about state.

"Let's do this." He said smiling.


-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)


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