Fix You

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*Hayleigh's POV*

Jason Street is down and he is not moving. This cannot be good. That kept playing through my head and I hated it. I looked around and it was like the world was in slow motion and crashing in around me, crashing around everyone.

Lyla was freaking out and screaming for him to get up and his parents were running down to the field from the stands. The ambulance pulled onto the field from the track and rushed over to him. They took him off the field on a stretcher and left in the ambulance, followed Lyla and his parents. Everyone clapped and Coach Taylor knew they had a game to finish and yelled "Saracen! You're in!" Matt looked at him in shock, then grabbed his helmet and ran onto the field.

At that moment I stood there in front of the cheer team and I knew I was in charge. I couldn't lead them, it felt like my insides were bubbling and my heart might explode. I heard one of the newbies say something about cheering but that was the furthest thing from my mind. I started to speak but no words came out, I just ran to the bathroom before I broke in front of everyone.

I knew this was filthy and any other day I would never touch these bathrooms. But this was different I went in the last stall and sit up against the door, crying. I hated this, I hated myself, I hated leaving the cheerleaders, and I for sure hated getting this upset.

Saracen was on the field no one knew if he could pull this off. But with only a few minutes left, he was our only hope at success. He calls the wrong play and goes the wrong the direction getting himself sacked. Things were not looking too good for the Panthers.

I sat there thinking about all kinds of things...which was ending up making me cry harder. I heard the bathroom door open and that same chipper voice said "Hayleigh? You ok? Tessa is leading the squad and Callie was going to come but"

I cut her off and said sniffling "I-I'm f-fine. Go back and cheer." I said as I wiped my eyes. I have her time to get gone and I came out of the stall. I went over to the mirror to clean up my makeup, figuring out she had not left.

Saracen tries again and hands off to Smash who took out up the left side. He made it quite a way before going out of bounds. Finally some life for the Panthers and hopefully they can pull off this win. Saracen takes the ball and pitches to Smash, he runs it all the way to the end zone, Touchdown for the Panthers.

I looked in the mirror and there was mascara all down my face. I was trying to wipe it off, when Paisley ask "Are you ok? Do you need to talk about it?"

I got cleaned up and looked at her, replying "If you want to check on anyone, let's go back out there, finish up the game then you can go check on Lyla."

            The Panthers got the on-side kick, getting them the ball back. Saracen handed the ball off to Smash, who ran down the field and then went out of bounds. With only seven seconds left and the Panthers down by 4, Saracen has to have a plan. He gets the ball and goes left, then stumbles but gets up on his feet and avoids a tackle. The clock runs out and Saracen throws the ball all the way down the field and it is caught and ran into the end zone. Panthers win and everyone goes crazy, He had pulled it off.

            We all walked onto the field and huddled in the middle at the 50 yard line. Everyone knelt down and Smash led us in a prayer. "Right now, it's not really about who wins or loses Father. We just all want to be with Street right now God, we know that you work in mysterious ways and we just want to send our spirit, our presence, and our love to him Lord. Just to heal him in whatever way Lord, whatever might be broken Lord just fix it right now Father. Jesus in your name we pray, Amen." Smash said and we all replied "Amen."

            We all got up and I looked around at everyone, I was so ready to go home and just get away from everyone. This wasn't the first game of the season I was looking forward too but we had won and that was good. I grabbed my belongings and I was walking to the car when I heard Paisley say my name. I turned around and she said "Are you ok?"

            I sighed getting to my car and threw my bag in the back seat. I replied lending against my car "I already answered that, why do you care so much?"

            She stood there, then looked down "You know what, you don't have to be so rude I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Are you going with everyone else to the hospital?"

            I teared up and looked at the sky trying to hold it in. I wanted to be stronger than this, I didn't want to break. I felt her pull me into a hug and I just cried into her shoulder letting my guard down. "I d-don't think it's a good idea for m-me to go..." I said sobbing.

            I knew I shouldn't have said that because it comes with a huge story but oh well. She held me close and said "it's ok, calm down. Why not?"

            I started to tell her what I was talking about, when Tessa came over there.  I looked Paisley and said sighing "I really need to get home I'm so sorry for crying on you."

Paisley smiled and said "hey! Why don't you just come over? It's been a long night and you don't need to be alone. It would be fun!"

I nodded and went to get in the car with Paisley when Tessa said smirking "oh Hayleigh, you're going home? You're not going to see Lyla and Her boyfriend. I know you want too."

I looked at her and in that moment I was glad there was a car between us. I flipped her off and got in the car, shaking. I called my mom and told her I was going to a friend's house, which was ok with them because they went to the hospital anyway. The drive to her house was pretty silent and I still wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

After we met her mom, we went up to her room. We had a pretty time just hanging out playing games and such. We were sitting in her room watching Clueless. It was my favorite, and she had never seen it. She pauses it, when Cher is trying to drive and says "Hayleigh, what went on at the game tonight?"

I looked down and said "It all started last year, when Callie invited Tessa and me to a sleepover. When we're having a pretty good time and laughing and then we started talking about guys. It wasn't a big deal it is what you do at sleepovers. And while we are talking about it you and Matt would be super cute, you need to go for that."

I smiled and she blushed and said "Yeah I do but how did you know? I hadn't told anyone yet!"

I giggled at her reaction and replied "Oh I could tell by how you looked at him at the game, and I thought to myself how cute it would be. But anyway back to my story and then we will talk more about Saracen. Tessa and Callie were both head over hills about Tim Riggins at the time, I think Tessa actually slept with him at one point. So they ask me who I liked and I trusted them, I thought I could. I told them that I liked Jason Street and we had a really fun time. Nothing really came over it for a while, until I came co-captain on the squad, I wish I never would have. Tessa really wanted it and I got it, when I came to school Monday I was pretty hated. I was called an array of awful names and I knew I hadn't done anything. Finally Callie tells me I need to stop spreading rumors of screwing the Quarterback at Riggins house, that she couldn't believe I would do such a thi..."

The words stopped coming out and tears just streamed down my face. She pulled me into a hug and I just cried harder. She gave me a Kleenex and said "Hey we don't need to talk about that anymore. Come on lets go get ice cream!"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me up and we went downstairs and got big bowls of ice cream at 2 am. I smiled taking a bite of mine and said "So tell me, you and Saracen?"

-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)

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