How you started dating

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You trudged up the stairs to your bedroom grumpily. It had been a long day. You had completely forgotten about an exam you had that day and basically failed it, possibly because throughout the test you had to watch Hunter, your crush, who was sitting in front of you, shamelessly flirt with Arabella, your best friend who was admittedly gorgeous. After school, you missed the bus home and had to walk in the rain, so you were drenched from head to toe when you finally entered your room. A long, hot shower was exactly what you needed. 

--- 5 minutes later ---

You emerged from the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering your body. When you walked inside your bedroom and glanced up, your blood ran cold. Hunter, who was your neighbor, was sitting at his desk watching you through his window directly opposite yours. Your mouth dropped open, and both of you froze in place, unsure of what to do in such an awkward situation. He continued to stare at you, and you instinctively tightened the towel, afraid of how exposed you were. After a few moments, you ran away and soon returned, clothed in comfy sweats.

Hunter was now staring down at his desk, frantically scribbling something in a notepad out of your view. You stretched out on your bed in an attempt to relax, but your mind kept replaying the way Hunter's eyes lit up while he was talking to Arabella. Of course he would go for someone pretty like her. Suddenly, a tapping sounded against your window. You sat up surprised, and discovered Hunter throwing pebbles against it through the rain. Was he trying to get your attention? He smiled when he noticed you were watching him, and lifted up his notepad.

'I'm sorry,' he had scrawled messily in his boyish print. You smiled at his cuteness. He held up a finger to indicate that there was more, and turned the page over. 'You were too beautiful to look away from'. You laughed at him and he frowned, returning his attention to his notebook. He had to be joking, that was the cheesiest line ever. A few seconds later he lifted it up once again; 'what?' You hurriedly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote back, 'nothing'. He frowned again and stared at you. 'You look cold-,' he wrote. You hadn't noticed how badly you were shivering. You shrugged at him. 'I'm going to make you come hot cocoa, see you in 5.' He disappeared from his room before you could protest. You smiled at how cute he was acting.

*Knock knock*

The sound of Hunter's knocking resonated throughout the empty house. You hurried downstairs and let him inside. Hunter was INSIDE your house—was this a dream?! He had two steaming mugs of cocoa in his hands and you led him to the couch. He sat down right next to you, and there was a mere inch of space between you. Your heart started beating 10 times faster than normal when he handed you a mug. You took a sip and your mouth was flooded with a delicious, warm liquid.
"This is heavenly," you moaned to Hunter.

"Only the best for you y/n", he joked. You blushed.
"Doesn't Arabella get the best?" you blurted out. He looked surprised.
"Arabella? Why would you ask that?" You laughed humorously.
"The two of you looked pretty cosy during that exam today, what were you talking about?" you asked bitterly, looking away. A deep blush clouded his face.
"I w-was—"
"—Forget it." You cut him off, attempting to sit up. He caught your wrist and restrained you.
"Hey— I was talking to her about you y/n. Don't you get it?" He tilted your chin up to face him. Only then did you notice that his eyes were shining like they had earlier that day.
"Get what?" you whispered, leaning forward. The pair of you had been unconsciously moving closer and closer together, and now you were inches away from his pink lips. His eyes flicked from your lips to your eyes and back again; asking an unspoken question. You nodded your head ever-so-slightly. He grinned.
"It's always been you." Hunter closed the gap between your lips and his, and all your anticipation and worry and anger melted into nothingness. Kissing Hunter wasn't hard like you had imagined, it was slow and natural and beautiful. He was caring and sweet, and when you finally parted to take a shared breath, he whispered three words that made your stomach flip.
He was caring and sweet, and loved you.

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