First Kiss

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People started calling out


You were at a New Years Eve party and they had started the countdown


There were people everywhere doing the same thing as you, looking for their dates


You had been invited along with your boyfriend of 1 month, Hunter


He has been by your side the whole night but suddenly he was gone


You looked through the thick of the crowd trying to find him


You wanted to kiss him so badly at midnight, you still hadn't had your first kiss


It was weird how you guys have been together a long time and he hasn't tried to kiss you yet


'Hunter' you yell over the crowd hoping he could hear you


The last time you were together was on the back patio so you ran outside


Everyone yelled together


Where is he? you thought


The patio was lit with paper lanterns so it looked beautiful with the snow falling


Is he looking for me? you wondered


You continued to look everywhere for him until everyone chanted


Suddenly someone grabbed you wrist and spun you around. Just as everyone yelled 1, your lips made contact with Hunter's. Fireworks went off in the distance just like you felt in your stomach

'Looking for this booty baby girl?' He said after you guys separated, you giggled while nodding and kissed him again

Hunter Rowland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now