Am I staying?

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Your P.O.V
I wake up. I check the time and saw that it was 4:30 pm. I quickly get up, went upstairs to change and go down. I pick my car key to the table. I saw the drawing that I draw.

I check at the time again. 4:32pm. "Shit! I'm late!" I said. I was about to open the door when I heard someone cough at the back. I turn around and saw Thomas.

"What do you want now?" I ask annoyingly. "Where are you going?" He said coldly.
"To pick the kids up." I said. He stared at me for a second and walk away.

I sign. I went out, get to my car and drive away.

at school
I saw Tyler and Connor waiting in front of their school. I got out my car and walk towards them.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I said.

"Mommy, Tyler got into a fight." Connor said.

"Tyler? Is this true?" I ask. He pit his head down and nod.

"Why? What happened?" I ask kneeling down at him.

I put my hand in his cheeks and I felt tears dripping down his face.

"They said that I don't have a dad. They told me his evil. They told me his a bad person. I'm sorry mommy I didn't mean to do it!" He said crying.

"It's okay sweety, it's okay. Listen to me, their wrong okay! Their wrong. Your daddy is a great man, remember that. Okay?" I said while hugging him. He nod in respond.

"Come on, let's go home." I said. I stand up and hold their hands.

At homeXD (I'm tired okay)

I open the door and let Tyler sit on the chair.

"Connor? Honey? Could you get the first aid kit please?" I asked. He nod.

A seconds later he went back. He handed me the first aid kit. I open it and get some cotton and alcohol to clean his bruise.

"Whats going on here?" I turn around and saw Thomas. I look back at Connor and Tyler who look like going to run.

"Connor? Could you clean him up?" I asked. Connor nod and replace me.

I look at Thomas and walk to his office. He followed.

"Y/n? What happened?" He asked. I turn around to face him.

"Tyler got into a fight because of you!" I said with anger.

"Whats in it with me?" He asked.

"Because of you're coldness and everything his classmates thought that you don't care about him!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, so this is my fault now?" He said yelling back at me.

"Yes! Because your being such a dick! You can be as cold as fuck around me but not around the children!! I yelled. He puts his head down. I could feel tears rolling down my face.

"Mommy? Daddy? Are you two fighting?" I look at the door and saw Tyler and Connor standing their.

I wipe my tears away. "No honey, we're fine." I said. I look at Thomas. He stared at me for a second.

"Lets go to bed guys. Come on." I said while walking out to the office and close the door leaving him there.

I put the both of them to bed. "Mommy?" I heard Connor said.

"Hmmm?" I reply. "Why did you and daddy yelled at each other? He asked.

"Is it because of me?" I look at Tyler.

"No, no, it's not your fault." I said.

"Look you two need to sleep okay. We have a big day tomorrow." I said. I kiss their forehead and went out. I went to the second room, got my phone and call my dad.


D- hello?
Y- hey dad, it's me.
D- what is it sweety?
Y- dad? I can't do this anymore! (Cry)
D- what do you mean honey?
Y- being with Thomas... I can't do it anymore. I can't stand him being cold to his children.
D- look sweety, Connor and Tyler know you as their mother. You can't leave them and as for Thomas, just give him a little time.
Y- I know but Thomas? I gave him a lot of time... but he still is the same.
D- do you want me to talk to him about you leaving?
D- honey, you there?
Y- yeah! I'm still here.
D- so?
Y- I don't know dad. I don't want to leave the children alone with him.
D- I'm just gonna talk to him... okay?
Y- okay, thanks dad
D- anytime darling.
Y- bye! Love ya
D- love you too
(End of call)

Am I really leaving them? Come on (y/n) think!!

Thomas P.O.V
I went upstairs and hear (y/n) talking to someone. I creep a little and take a look. "I don't know dad. I don't want to leave the children alone with him." I heard her say.

What she's leaving? No, she can't leave... she just can't.

I stop listening and go downstairs. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

I open it up and saw David y/n dad.

"Good evening Thomas." He said.

"Good evening David." I said. "Come in." I requested.

"Dad?" I turn around and saw y/n. She hug him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to talk to Thomas." He look at me. "Alone" he continue.

Y/n nod and went back upstairs. He turn around and look at me.

D- David
T- Thomas

D- you're maybe wondering why I'm here? Don't you?
T- yes, I do.
D- well, as you can see Thomas, y/n wants to....
T-... leave? Yeah I know, from the start I knew she wants to leave.
D- I'm glad you know that Thomas.
T- I'm not letting you take her away from me.
D- Thomas, she had enough of you and all your bullshit. Thomas your different when Natalie is still alive. You we're different from before.
T- I know! Just give me a chance to change that please.
D- *sign* okay, but this is the last time Thomas, don't waste it.
T- I won't.

He nod. We heard something from the stairs.

"Get out y/n I know it's you." I said.

She go down. She look at me, suddenly hugging me.

"Thank you." She said. I hug her back. I hold her close.

I grab her shoulders. Her (h/c) hair was all over her face. I put it all away and stare at her (e/c) eyes. I put my hands in her cheeks.

"Promise me, you're not leaving." I said staring into her (e/c).

"I promise." She said.

Hey guys👋 how's 2016 so far? Good! Thank you so much for supporting every story that I make. It mean so much to me. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!..... Sorry for updating pretty late but now it's here. NEW UPDATE!! YAY!! Hope you guys have a great new year... thank you and I love you all so much 😀😊


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