12: Gadget

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“What do you mean?” she asked stupidly, refusing to look me in the eyes. I watched her, trying to study her as carefully as possible.

“No one just comes out of nowhere with the ability to assemble weapons and make them ten times better than they ever were. I mean, a kick ass nurse with the ability to create things only dreamt of? You are a genius, I mean, hell, you made a freeze ray and you made it efficient. It’s a miraculous invention. So who are you?”

She smiled softly, scratching the back of her head. “Oh, well, I’m not a genius if it’s this easy to catch me,”

“I’m no dummy!” I shrugged, smiling widely. Stunned, she turned back to me.

“You’re not mad?”

“Nope! You tell me who you are and I’m making you my assistant.”

She sighed, shifting awkwardly. “I’m no one important. My name is Gidget Masters, I’m-“

“The daughter of a famous Scientist who lives in Germany doing studies on the human body to improve its function and life span!”

She was stunned. “How did you know?”

“He doesn’t like to admit it, but Joker is a complete Science nerd, he’s really into new studies, it doesn’t look like it but he’s very smart. He’s the one who created the Joker Venom,” I smirked. “I’m going to let you choose your name.”

“Oh, sweet!” she sang out happily as I led her to my room to give her a makeover.

“I think you’d be good looking in a Steampunk dress.”

She thought. “I don’t even know what would be a good name for me, though.”

“How about Gadget?”

She thought for a moment, a big smirk appeared on her face. “Oh, that sounds pretty exciting!”

“Go find an outfit for yourself,” I handed her three hundred bucks.

Her jaw dropped. “Wait, seriously?”

“If I can’t trust you with money, I can’t trust you to be my companion,” I shrugged. She smiled at me with a relieved expression, then left to buy a new wardrobe.

When Joker came home that night, I told him everything about Whitney’s actual name. He was shocked and happy when I had told him about her having more significance than we bargained for.

I sat on my bed, holding his hand while he sat next to me. He was in pain from a quick job he had to do, he had to get coordinates to a secret hideout and once he found them, he was attacked, and had to fight of five men alone. 

I reached over to massage his back, but he quickly got up, the look of surprise and joy on his face. He turned to me. “We can trust her,”

“I know that.”

“You know why?”


“She knew we were going to recruit her so she purposely showed you her skills,” he was excited. “Get me one.”

“Aren’t I technically yours?” I frowned.

“When you aren’t there and I’m alone, I need someone.”

“Then take Gadget?” I shrugged. “She needs to get used to you, you know.”

He sighed, rubbing his head. “What if she ends up liking me?”

I groaned. “Typical.”

“No, seriously, Harley liked me!”

I tensed at the sound of her name. “Sh.”

He frowned. “What?”

“Sh, no, sh, stop, I don’t want to be reminded of the dreadful competition,” I laid down and turned to my side. “Just go to sleep and don’t assume those things.”

He stayed quiet and laid next to me, pulling me into his arms. He was able to fall asleep, but I wasn’t. I stayed up all night, my thoughts preventing even a minuscule amount of sleep.

Asylum Romance (A Joker Story [Sequel to Turquoise punchline])Where stories live. Discover now