21: Refusal

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“I don’t think we can do this anymore,” I spoke while sewing the many gashes up and down my arm from getting caught by security, and tripping onto large chunks of broken glass. Of course, if I was more in shape, I could have tried avoiding that rookie mistake, but of course, I did not. 

“Why not?” he questioned, fixing his tie.

“I’m going to get myself killed,” I spoke tensely, getting up and finishing wrapping myself up. I walked over to the crib and plucked Kellen out of it gently. “And we have other duties to get cracking on.”

“No,” he got up and gently kissed Kellen’s forehead. Kellen let out a soft cry of joy at the attention he was getting, and it made me feel bad. My baby was gonna suffer from neglect unless I stayed home with him.

“I’m going to stop this job, and take care of Kellen,” I spoke triumphantly, feeling good about saying what I said.

“No, I don’t think you are!” 

“Why not?” I questioned angrily. “Gadget will replace me.”

“Gadget isn’t my wife. Besides, I need you tonight.”

“Honey, even if I was still on top of everything, I couldn’t fulfill my kick-ass duties due to a boo-boo on my left arm. Kay?” I pouted, laying Kellen on the bed, tickling him, watching as he squirmed and let out the softest giggle. His eyes brilliantly caught mine, humor lighting them, as he waved his arms in the air to try to get me to stop. I laughed as well, but I didn’t stop tickling him.

“Look,” he grabbed my good arm. “You can’t do this.”

I stopped tickling Kellen and stood erect, staring at him with troubled eyes. “Why can’t I quit?” I whispered in distress, my voice beginning to break. I did not like this job. I did not want to do it.

“Because you swore,” he spoke, eyes harsh. “And so you will.”

“I had a baby, Jack!” I shouted defensively, standing my ground. “This baby is going to be the center of attention from now on! Alright?”

“No, he’s not,” he picked up Kellen and walked out of the room with him. Terrified, I followed.

“Jack, what are you doing to him!?” 

He turned to me with a shocked expression, a hint of hurt covering his features. “You. . . .You think I was going to hurt him? You think I’m some monster who would hurt my own son?” 

“You’re some monster who would let your wife get hurt,” I growled, walking past him, taking my baby from his arms. “Let me be the mother he needs.”

He was silent for a moment. He left the room in a swarm of anger. Groaning, I gave Kellen to Gwen and ran after my husband.

My hand rested on his shoulder as he looked out of the bedroom window, but he shrugged it off.

“Baby, I’m going to help you tonight with your job, promise!” I spoke and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He relaxed suddenly.

“Thanks,” he spoke gruffly, then turned so he was facing me. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. “I promise you won’t get hurt.”

I smiled, but I knew that something bad was coming. Something that was going to cause our family to crack.

Asylum Romance (A Joker Story [Sequel to Turquoise punchline])Where stories live. Discover now