Chapter 17

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(Chapter 16 got to 6 reads so here is the next chapter! I hope you like it!)
Steve's POV
By 4:00pm we had finally finished moving all the boxes, there was so many that it took up almost half the workshop.

The workshop isn't a lab and its not really the right kind of place to set up lab equipment in.

The workshop is too messy and untidy, we wouldn't want any thing to affect our research.

I go to find Sandra and I see that she is in the storage room.

"Hey, so I guess we should show them shouldn't we" I say.

Sandra knows what I'm talking about even if I'm not specific.

" Yea, I guess they would find out eventually anyway" Sandra says.

" Lets go then" I say.

We gather everyone up and bring them into the workshop, Laura must already be in there.

I walk into the workshop first, inside Laura is looking into boxes, she looks up at me when she sees me walk in.

"Are you going to set this stuff up in here?"Laura says.

" We are going to set in up, just not in here" I say.

I step further into the room and everyone else comes in.

" Where then?" Laura asks.

" Yea, where else could it go?" Emily asks.

"Well that's what me and Sandra wanted to show you" I say.

" Unlock the benches wheels please" I say.

Emily and Laura walk around the table and unlock the lock on the wheel that keep it from moving so that it can now just roll around.

"Push it against that wall" I say pointing to the one wall that we had said not to put any boxes next to.

Laura and Emily each stand at opposite ends of the side of the table furthest away from the wall, they then push it against the wall.

The table slides easily even though it hasn't been moved in years.

Once the table has been moved the girls lock the wheels again to keep the table in place.

I then move to the middle of the room and slide away the carpet that usually sits under the bench.

Everyone except Sandra gasp in surprise when they see whats under the carpet.

Its a................. TRAPDOOR!

"Where does that go?" Laura asks.

"Follow us and you'll see" I say.

" Ok" Laura says.

I reach down and undo the combination lock that keeps the trapdoor locked shut, I place the lock on the bench and then return to the trap door.

I place both of my hand on the handle and lift it up till its fully open then I carefully lay it against the floor making sure it doesn't make any loud noises.

The lights in the room below us are currently off so I go down the steps first to go turn them on.

Once the lights are on everyone else comes down the stairs.

"This is the lab" I say.

"We have a lab?" Laura says in disbelief.

"Yes we do" I say.

"How come I never knew about this?" Laura asks.

"Well we haven't used it since before you were born and we didn't really want to bring our work home" I say.

"Ok, I understand" Laura says.

Now if someone can stand at the top of the stairs and pass the boxes down we can start to set it all up.

Niall volunteers and goes back up into the workshop.

Sandra stands halfway up the stairs and passes the boxes to me after taking them from Niall.

I place the boxes beside the stairs and start forming a pile.

Once the boxes have all been passed down we start to unpack the boxes one at a time.

Our lab currently is empty as we had given all our stuff to Emily's parents, so I guess some of this stuff could have actually been ours.

The first box contains a microscope and a box of glass microscope slides and the other equipment you use with them.

Several of the boxes contain the same stuff.

We line the microscopes up along one of the longer lab benches and place the equipment in the draws below the bench and some in the shelves behind it.

Laura's POV

We set up equipment that I wouldn't even know how to use for the next few hours and by the time we are done it is almost 8pm.

The lab looks pretty cool now with everything in it, all the cupboards are full and the benches are covered in neatly organised tools and equipment.

I had never liked chemistry or biology at school, I wasn't very good at them anyway.

Maybe if I had been better at it I would have known how to use at least a little bit more of this stuff.

After setting up we were all very tired and just wanted to go to bed, however we were also very hungry.

We decided to have a quick dinner which ended up using everything that was left in the fridge, except for my tomato sauce bottle which sadly was almost empty too.

We did have a vegetable garden out in the backyard, but there might not be anything on it.

Also it hadn't been watered in several days so the plants would be pretty dried up, but I guess we should check anyway.

But that can wait till tomorrow.

I was going to go straight to bed but I decided I should shower first as I needed one after moving all that stuff.

I grab my pajamas and rush to the shower just in case anyone else had had the same idea as me, I didn't really want to have to wait.

I shower quickly using as little shampoo and conditioner as possible, I'm probably going to need to cut my hair before long so I don't need so much stuff to clean it.

After showering I changed into my pyjamas and walked back out of the bathroom.

When I step into the main room I see Emily waiting right by the door holding her pyjamas, I guess she wanted to shower too.

I get into bed after turning the lights off and eventually fall asleep to the quiet sound of the shower water running.

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