Chapter 16

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Here is Chapter 16 for all my awesome readers! Thanks for the votes! And thank you to all my silent readers too! You're all great! :D .
I check the time and find that I had been on my phone for longer than I thought, it is now 8pm.

I'm tired right now so I decide to go to bed a little early.

I'll be missing dinner but i'm not too hungry so it'll be ok.

I say goodnight to everyone before hopping into bed wearing the pyjamas that I never actually took off this morning.

I snuggle into bed and eventually fall asleep despite the lights still being on above me.
Emily's POV

I notice that Laura has fallen asleep so I decide to get into my bed too, but I don't think I'll sleep just yet.

I know Laura thinks I was annoyed at her earlier when we were playing monopoly and I guess I was kind of annoyed at her, but not because of the game, I knew I would lose that.

I'm actually more jealous, jealous at the fact that her parents are Ok and her best friend is too.

My parents are dead, I saw their bodies and for some reason I still haven't cried.

I don't know if I ever will.

It's sad that I lost my parents, but I guess its also a good thing, they don't have to worry about zombies anymore.

With that last thought I finally drift off to sleep.

Steve's POV
I open my eyes and look over to the clock on the wall, it's 10:am.

I scan the room and see that nobody else is up, I guess we all needed a good sleep.

I remember all the equipment back at Emily's house, I guess we should go get it today.

I decide to have a quick shower before I wake everybody up, if the shower itself doesn't do it first.
After showering I walk back into the main room and start waking everyone up by poking them.

Once everyone is awake and dressed I decide to tell them about the equipment at Emily's house.

"So, when we went to get Emily from her house we found a lot of things that could be useful" I say.

"What kind of stuff?"Laura asks.

"Science equipment, chemicals and stuff that goes with it" I say.

"Oh ok" Laura says.

"Ok so today I think we should go get all the stuff" I say.

"I think Laura and Emily should stay here and Niall you can come with us" I say.

"Ok, when are we going?" Niall says.

" We can have breakfast quickly then go" I say.

We all have a quick breakfast of instant noodles then Sandra, Niall and I start to get ready.

"We will bring all the boxes into the upstairs area first, when we need to you to open the door I will knock on it three times. don't open the door if you hear something different and don't open it early." I say.

We get everything we need into backpacks and head out, Laura locks the door behind us.

We then head towards Emily's house to get everything.

There are still no zombies out here, which is good, I guess no more have wandered over here yet.

"You two can carry boxes and I will just have a knife, just incase something happens and I need to kill something" I say.

"Ok, that sounds good" Sandra says.

Niall just nods and then continues walking.

About a minute or so later we reach Emily's house, we walk up to the closed front door and listen for any sounds that might indicate that there is something inside.

We hear nothing so I push the door open and step inside, holding my knife up in front of me just in case.

The house looks exactly how it did when we left it two days ago.

Zombies laying on the floor dead and broken glass everywhere.

"First we can go to the lab and get the chemicals" I say.

"Ok, lets go" Sandra says.

We walk down the hallway and go inside the lab.

We look around the room for something to put the bottles in, we don't want them to break and spill or mix with others.

I find a cupboard at the end of the room and at the bottom of it I find some boxes for the chemicals.

We start packing the boxes and getting ready to take them back home.

Laura's POV - 50 Minutes after they left.
Me and Emily had decided to play another board game, this time it was scrabble.

Emily was currently winning by 18 points, she would probably win the whole thing, I never was very good at English.

We each had a knife beside us too, we would need it if something broke in.

About 10 minutes later Emily had used all her tiles and there was none left in the bag, we counted up the points and she had won by 46, it was 82-128.

We packed up the game and then just sat on our bunks, we didn't feel like playing anymore games so now we didn't know what to do.

We talked for a while about random stuff then decided to have lunch a little early and just eat really slowly.

At about 3pm we finally finished eating the noodles, we had been eating one noodle at a time and chewing very slowly.

Just after we had finished washing up our bowls and other things we used we hear a knock on the door, followed by two more.

That means they are back and ready to bring the stuff down.

"You can stay here, I'll go open the door" I say.

I walk up the stairs with my knife in my hand, just in case it happened to not be them.

I unlocked the multiple bolts and locks and stepped back to open the door.

Looking into the lounge I was relieved to see that it was just them standing there.

Looking around the room I could see that there was boxes everywhere.

" Hi" I say before walking into the lounge to help bring boxes down.

" Put the boxes in the workshop" Dad says.

" Ok" I say before I pick up a box that isn't too heavy for me to lift.

We then start the long process of bringing one box at a time down the stairs and placing it in the workshop.

(Well that was chapter 16, I hope you like it!)

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