Chapter Fifteen

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When i was done hanging out with my family. i ran upstairs and fixed my hair and make up. my

cousins were waiting for me so we could leave together. we were supposed to be going to the movies

together. once we left they dropped me off at Damon's. "Fallon we are going to the movies pick you

up when it's over and we will fill you in on what happened just in case you are asked." my cousin told

me. i nodded. "Thanks guys i owe you." i told them closing the car door and running to the door. i rang

the doorbell. Damon answered it and pulled me inside. he kissed me passionately. "Why hello to you

too." i told him. he smiled. "Hiya." he said. i laughed. "What do you want to do?" he asked me. i

shrugged. i'm happy with what we were doing." i told him. he smirked and kissed me again.

(Dani's POV)

i was cleaning the dishes when Kevin came downstairs. "Today was fun." he told me helping out. i

nodded. "Yeah. i heard that Fallon sang for her cousins downstairs today." i told him. he looked up at

me. "Really? when?" he asked. i shrugged. "Before dinner i guess. Joe mentioned it a couple of

times. he was joking around with her about how he was upset that he didnt get invited to the concert."

i told him. he shook his head and just laughed. "Where was it that they were all going?" he asked me.

"The movies." i replied. he nodded. "What happened between you and Fallon Kevin?" i asked him

turning to face him. he looked up at me for a few seconds before going back to what he was doing. "I

found out a couple things and i wasnt to happy. i'm not going to get into it but i just told her that i

wasnt happy." he told me. i nodded slightly. "I noticed that you two kind of steered clear of eachother

tonight so i was just wondering." i replied. "Yeah well she is upset with me because i told her no." he

told me. "Thats how kids are." i told him going back to cleaning.

(Nick's POV)

I got a text from Fallon to go and pick her up from an address that i didnt recognize. when i arrived at

the address she was already outside and was crying. she ran to the car and climbed in. i pulled out of

the driveway and we rode in silence for a little while. i didnt take her home yet because i wanted her

to calm down first. i pulled over and looked at her. "What happened?" i asked her. she rubbed her

eyes. "I dont want to talk about it." she told me. i ran my fingers through my hair frustrated. "Fallon

you text me to come and get you all upset. when i get there you are crying. now you wont tell me

what's going on." i told her. she looked at me. "Please dont make me talk about it Uncle Nick." she

begged me. i sighed and drove her home. when we arrived she ran inside. i went in and found Kevin

and Dani trying to talk to her. she locked herself in her room. "What happened?" Dani asked me. i

shrugged. "I dont know. all i know is that she wasnt at the movies with everyone else." i told them.

they exchanged glances.

(Dani's POV)

i dont understand what has been going on with Fallon. i could hear her crying in her room. she

wouldnt come out for anything. not even her favorite ice cream, which always works. i was begining to

because extremely worried about her. something happened and its killing me not knowing why.

"What's wrong with her?" i asked Kevin pacing back and forth in our room. "I dont know but she will

come out when she is ready." he told me. "Well thats too long." i told him frustrated. he put up his

hands in defeat. i sighed and walked over to him. he wrapped his arms around me.

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