Chapter Forty-Seven

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Ok to clear things up, i know this is set in the "Future" and everything being kevins daughter, however i love 1D to much to leave them out of this story. so now they are magically younger even in this time. people are just going to have to deal with it lol!


A few hours later i felt someone shaking me. i opened my eyes to see Niall standing over me. i jumpped up and pulled him into a hug. he laughed. "You got here really quick." i told him. "Yep. Your parents let me in about a half hour ago." he told me. i pulled back and looked at him. "And you are just now waking me up?" i asked him. he nodded sheepishly. "Niall." i whined. i crossed my arms over my chest and walked away. he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back. "Dont be so dramatic." he told me. i couldnt help but smile. "Keep talking, i want to hear your sexy Irishness." i told him jumpping up into my bunk and scooting clear to the back to make room for him. he pulled himself up into the empty space. "What do you want me to talk about?" he asked. i shrugged. he shook his head.

(Niall's POV)

i watched Fallon as she talked about random things. i smiled and shook my head. she hasnt changed at all. we met a few years back. ever since i met her i could tell that there was something special about her. "Niall are you listening?" she asked me pulling me out of my thoughts. "Uh yeah." i told her. she narrowed her eyes at me. "sorry." i mumbled. she laughed. she moved closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. "I missed you." she told me. i wrapped my arms around her. "I missed you too." i told her.

(Carly's POV)

i went to the bunks and seen Fallon and Niall curled up together in her bunk. i mentally groaned. "Fallon you are wanted in the kitchen." i told her. she climbed over Niall and left. "How have you been Carly?" Niall asked me sitting up. i shrugged. "been drifting along." i told him leaning against the bunks. I hesitated before moving closer to him. he seemed to get nervous. i placed my hands on his chest. "Thats good i suppose." he told me. i nodded and kissed him.

(Fallon's POV)

when my dad was done with me i went back to the back. i froze when i seen Niall and Carly making out. i slowly turned around without them noticing. i went outside and leaned against the side of the bus. i wiped the tears that fell down my face. after all i have had a thing for Niall since we met a few years back. i took a deep breath before going back in.

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