Chapter Thirty-Four

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(Fallon's POV)

I woke up in a cold sweat. I stood up and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I splashed cold water on my face. I grabbed the hand towl from the rack and dried my face. I looked at the bruises under my left eye. I sighed and went to the front of the bus. I sat down on the couch and just stared off into space. I must have fallen asleep because when i woke up Uncle Nick was trying to get my attention. I looked at him. "what?" I asked. "You need to check your sugar levels. Now." he told me. I rolled my eyes and did a quick check. 200. I grabbed some water out of the kitchen and drank it slowly. As the day went on i found myself getting more and more depressed. I finally just broke away from everyone and went to sit back in the lounge. I put on some music and layed across the couch. I listened to One Direction. I thought back to the razor underneath my mattress. I forced myself to think about something else, not really wanting to go back to being looked at like a freak.

(Carly's POV)

I heard music coming from the lounge. I knew it was Fallon right away when i noticed that it was one direction. i wanted to go in and make things right with her again. i cant stand not being able to talk to her. ever since she tried to kill herself, i have been feeling guilty about making it harder on her by making it her fault that my dad had been ignoring me. recently we have been growing closer, even when Fallon needs to be watched and cared for. I used to think she only cut herself for the attention but now, i dont know what to think. I pulled the curtian back on her bunk and placed her book that she left in the kitchen on her bed. i pricked my finger on something sharp that was wedged between her mattress and the bunk. I picked up the razor and turned it over in my hands. I placed it back where i found it and closed the curtain. I looked around before going into the living room and turning on the TV.

(Kevin's POV)

I found Fallon asleep in the lounge. she was listening to One Direction. she has been obsessed with them since they were on X Factor. I turned the music off and picked her up so that i could move her. she mumbled and buried her face into my chest. I was going to put her in her bunk but at the moment she has to much stuff on the top so i just moved her into mine and Dani's bed. I pulled the blankets up over her. I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair gently. she used to love it when i did this. we would sit out int he living room and i would do this for hours until she fell asleep. I smiled remembering those times and she groaned and burried her face deeper into my pillow. I watched her silently. I noticed that the bandage on her wrist had started to stain red. I pulled her arm into my lap and pulled the bandage off. Her stitches had started to pull causing her wounds to bleed. I stood up and got some wipes and a fresh bandage. i applied the bandage and got up to leave.

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