Chapter 5

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*Carli's POV*

I frowned a little at how everyone was so pissed about the fact that things were going missing. I mean I guess I Understood that they felt like their privacy had been violated but it was like no one paid attention to what was being taken. It was almost all things that somebody who was living on the street needed to survive; clothes, food, water bottles.

I know that everyone had stopped leaving food in their locker, and it may be irrational but I was worried about whoever was taking the stuff. What if that was their only food source? So when nobody was looking I slipped a box of granola bars into my locker. I felt better knowing that whoever was taking our stuff would have food if they needed it.

Practice seemed to go so much faster than usual and before I knew it I was in the security room with Hope, Alex, Pinoe, Tobin, Morgan and Abby.

We all talked for a while and I fought to keep my eyes open as we watched the screens, anxious to see what was happening and if my hunch was right.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Abby is shooting up screaming, but my gaze is stuck on the tiny figure on the screens going through the lockers. I happen to see when they find the box of granola bars and I swear I can feel the happiness radiating off of them. I couldn't fight the small smile that started to creep up on my face.

We all followed Abby's plan to check out the storage room, and I was shocked when Moe showed us all the makeshift bed with the piles of clothes and empty food wrappers beside it. Everyone's mood changed, including mine. I thought maybe they would have somewhere better than a dirty storage room to stay.

We all traded worried glances and headed toward the indoor field. I felt my heart break when I saw a tiny, malnourished looking girl who had bruises that I could see from here. But I couldn't help but be in awe that she didn't seem to let any of that deter her. She worked as hard as we did at practices, and she was GOOD!

I was broken out of my reverie when Pinoe shouted "Hey" loud enough to wake up the whole city.

The girl froze and turned to face us completely, her eyes full of panic and fear as her whole body shook.

'I'm Sorry. i'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." The tiny girl cried as she staggered backward, falling and her cleats that looked a lot like Moe's punctured her leg but she kept crawling, pleading with us to not hurt her.

I felt my heart break. She couldn't be much older than 15 and she looked so broken and terrified. I couldn't help but wish that I could get my hands on whoever hurt her.

I was broken out of my reverie when Hope scooped the poor girl up and tried to console her, and I saw Abby go to help her. But I couldn't take my eyes off of Hope compassionately soothing the terrified girl. Ugh how can she be so hot and adorable at the same time.

I shook my head mentally slapping myself. This is a serious situation! Plus I can't like her. She would never like me back.

"Okay guys let's get her back to the hotel. Carli can you text coach to call a team meeting and make sure Dawn and the other trainers are there. We need to get her looked at, especially her leg." Abby said, and we all nodded.

We all seemed to unfreeze in that moment and Moe and I both rushed to Hope's sides, eager to calm the girl.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise." I said as Hope gently ran her fingers through the girl's hair as she carried her, obviously trying to slow down her still rapid breathing.

"You... You won't leave me?" The girl wheezed out.

"Never. I promise. You're stuck with us for life babe." Moe said, making all of us, including the girl to smile.

Moe, Tobin, Hope, the girl and I all headed to Tobin's car, and she volunteered to drive. Moe was stuck to the girl's side, and the girl still didn't release her death grip on Hope, so I climbed into the passenger seat.

"So what's your name munchkin?" Tobin asked the girl as she drove, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

"Perrie." The girl muttered quietly.

"That's a beautiful name." Hope smiled at the girl, making her smile weakly back.

The car was filled with silence until we pulled up to the hotel, Abby, Pinoe and Alex pulling up behind us.

"Can you walk?" Hope asked Perrie, and Perry shrugged shyly.

"I'm not sure."

We all nodded and Hope got out of the car last, gently setting Perrie on her feet. Perrie's injured leg buckled and Hope caught one arm, and Abby caught the other. They propped her between them and walked her in the hotel.

"Where are we going?" Perrie asked quietly, her voice tinged with fear.

"We're going to meet the rest of the team." Alex said, her voice reassuring.

Perrie still started to shake.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I promise." Abby said reassuringly.

We all traded glances, praying that Abby was right.  

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