Chapter 14

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*Hope's POV*

Our small group walked to the terminal, and I rolled my eyes at the shouts and swear words Steph, Pinoe and Kelley who decided to race each other, and managed to knock quite a few people over.

"Children! Stop it before you get kicked out!!" I scolded them, rolling my eyes. Mal, Moe, Perrie and Kling all giggled as the troublesome trio froze, knocking over yet another suitcase.

"Sorry Mom." They all said, pouting like little kids. I rolled my eyes at the supposed adults I unfortunately had to watch over.

"You have to set a better example for the babies!!" Kling added, dramatically pulling Mal, Moe and Perrie into a protective embrace, earning her smacks and pouts from those three.

"Seriously?!" Moe asked, smacking her partner in crime over the head again.

"Ow.. Geez. Some people didn't get their nap." Kling mumbled, earning some more smacks and kicks to the shin from Perrie, Moe and Mal as Pinoe, Kelley and Staph laughed hysterically.

"If I go prematurely grey, I'm blaming all of you." I groaned.

They all laughed, and then tried their best to look innocent.

"I think you'd still look badass with grey hair Mom." Perrie said, her eyes wide and innocent.

Everyone laughed, and I tried so hard to maintain my glare, but I couldn't contain my smile at my daughter finally looking happy and comfortable.

"Moe! They have a cafe' here that sells macaroons!!" Kling called excitedly, making Moe's face light up.

"YAAAAAAS!! Come on Per! You promised you'd try them!!!" Moe screeched, grabbing Perrie's arm and pulling her away. Perrie was laughing, but looked over at me, seeming to see if it was okay. It still upset me that she always seemed scared that I would get mad at whatever she did.

I smiled and nodded, and she relaxed, allowing Moe to drag her away, Kling, Mal and Steph on their tails. As soon as Perrie disappeared past the corner, I let the worry settle over me again, and I pulled up the group message I had going with mine and Kelley's families who had so graciously agreed to help get the house ready for Perrie to come home for the first time.

Me: Did you make sure that the backyard and downstair is okay? I know the dogs can mess it up a lot.

As I sent the text,I thought of something else, nearly smashing the screen in my haste to type another message.

Me: And did you put the spare quilts on the guest bed? I mean I know we're waiting for her input to decorate it, but I don't want her to feel like she's an afterthought.

Grandma: Yes Sweetie.

Erin: For the 80th time; yes! Kellie, get your woman to chill, she's driving us all crazy!!

I groaned and rolled my eyes at Kelley's sister, though I knew she was right. I just couldn't help but feel nervous about making Perrie feel like this is her home too. Before I could worry myself into a panic attack I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I whipped around to find Kelley standing there smirking. Her eyes were filled with obvious amusement at my uncharacteristic worry and insecurity.

"It's going to be fine Hope! The house is great and I know she'll love it! You just need to calm down, you're stressing everyone out!" Kelley told me, a small smile replacing the smirk.

"I know." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "It's just she deserves the best, and I'm worried that she won't like the house, or she'll feel like she doesn't fit in, since her room is just one of the bland guestrooms at the moment." I confided, nervously wringing my hands as I spoke. "And I don't know how she'll react since your place is over a half hour away. She's used to always having you nearby." I said, not adding that I needed her nearby too.

"Obviously we can help her decorate her room however she want, and we can even use the team as free labor!" Kelley cheered, making me finally crack a smile.

"And did you really think that you could get rid of me that easily?!" She said, pushing my shoulder playfully. "Your guest beds are more comfortable than mine, plus Erin already claimed a guest bedroom for me anyway. So you're stuck with me Solo." Kelley grinned.

I couldn't help but smile.Ever since we adopted Perrie, Kelley and I have gotten even closer. I haven't really felt this close to anyone since Jeremy and I got divorced. I stopped, looking at Kelley once again. Lately I've been noticing more how beautiful she is, and how cute her freckles and smile are..

Suddenly I realized that I had been staring at Kelley's lips. Kelley gave me an unreadable look, and then she started to lean in. My eyes widened, and I panicked for a second, not sure if I was ready for a relationship again. But as Kelley leaned in, I felt a safeness I never felt with Jeremy. So I started to lean in as well. Our lips were about to meet until we heard a shout.

"HEY O'SOLO! THE PLANE IS BOARDING!!" Kelley and I jumped apart, nearly knocking our heads together.

I glared up to see that Pinoe had rounded the corner from the cafe' area to come and find us. Kelley and I exchanged a look, both hoping that Pinoe hadn't seen anything, btu based on her smirk, and the mischievous glint in her eye, she had seen everything. I was surprised when she just walked back toward the cafe' probably to get her stuff, without saying anything.

"She's either going to embarrass the hell out of us, or start a bet." I groaned, we all knew all too well how much Pinoe loved to embarrass and bet on ships within the team. She's been trying to make Krashlyn happen forever, by locking them in numerous closets.

"You Really think there's an or in the matter? This is Pinoe we're talking about." Kelley rolled her eyes as she picked up her carry-on bag, and I followed suit.

"True." I said, as we walked in a semi-awkward silence to meet the rest of our group in front of the desk where we could check in. Once all our carry-ons were checked, we boarded the plane. Kelley and I sat in the first row of seats, Moe and Perrie across from us, Kling and Pinoe behind them, and Steph and Mal behind us.

Kelley and I kept sneaking glances at each other as we waited for takeoff. Though our unspoken staring contest was broken when i heard Moe say "It's okay Per."

Kelley and I both turned to our side to see Perrie shaking uncontrollably, one hand clutching onto the armrest, and the other clenched onto her seatbelt.

"Hey what's up buttercup, is this your first plane ride?' Kelley asked, keeping her tone soothing.

Perrie nodded, a small whimper escaping her mouth. I was about to get up to switch with Moe when the plane started moving.

"Hey Per, it's okay to be scared. I was really afraid of planes at first too." Moe said in a calm voice. Perrie's vise-like grip relaxed slightly, as she turned her attention to Moe.

"Really? How are you so calm now then?" Perrie asked, her words sounding a bit jumbled since her breathing was ragged.

"Well you see Chens held my hand the whole time, and kept me safe. I know I'm no Chens, but do you trust me to keep you safe?" Moe asked, looking Perrie right in the eyes.

Perrie slowly nodded, and Moe offered her hand, perrie reluctantly released her grip on the seatbelt to hold Moe's hand after Moe had wrapped her arm around her.

Kelley and I looked at each other, small grins on our faces. We both looked at Pinoe who was holding up a piece of paper that said "$20 on Merrie?!" I rolled my eyes, but nodded.

Kelley laughed, and then said "They really are cute together." I looked over since we were finally in the air, and Moe's arm was still securely around Perrie as they watched X-Men Days of Future Past together.

"Yeah, she deserves to be happy." I said, smiling a little at how happy and peaceful Perrie was around Moe.

Suddenly it got silent again, until kelley seriously said, you do know we need to talk when we get back right?"

I just nodded, dreading this conversation. I couldn't help but wonder if she wanted to tell me how she regretted our almost kiss, and that she'd hate me now. I sunk into my seat, knowing this was going to be one long day, and it had nothing to do with the 5hr plane ride, and everything to do with the abnormally quiet squirrel sitting next to me.

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