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******* tylers pov

two gards were over by the front doors as me and iden sat behind a parked truck. Dim light beemed down on them ,The shorter one had slicked back hair and was wearing a club jacket.

"where did you see them last"

"over here" the other man was tall and lean, colored tattoos covered his arms as light gleamed off the gun in his hand

"god damn it Jackson, next time you have to say something right away! They could be in the fucking building right now" bust sturred up as he kicked the ground, he put his hands on the back of his head "sorry Kevin" Kevin towered over Jackson.

"fuck go get a gun right now" Jackson ran into the club as the doors behind him Kevin kicked the ground again and pulled out his phone.

"hey boss, Jackson fucked up again, somebody is at the club"

"yes, yes I know"

"okay, hurry up" he hung up the phone and shoved it back in the pocket of his jean pants and walked inside. I grabbed Idens arm fast and pulled him up from behind the truck. Iden spoke quietly "Ravens thorn just sent out a huge group of guys on a run to Texas , they wont be here. Ill call out some guys, we'll have just enough to out number them. I nodded my head and ran back to the bikes parked only a few stores down, Iden slipped out his phone and called for the guys to come. I loaded mine and his gun and waited.

River pulled up to me and iden "get amber and take Amber far away he cant know where she is, take some back roads to the abandoned factory, wait till I call you" river nodded and drove off. " I have twelve guys on the way" I called up Andy


"hurry up and get here, were at ravens. river is taking amber to the old factory off of rt 84'. Iden called up the guys from the club."

"okay ill be there in ten" I hung up and sat down on the cerb next to Iden. There was a small silence for awhile till the rumble of motorcycles came from the streets away. Iden gave a small chuckle "their here" I Laughed a bit at his pathetic joke.
A big group of guys rolled up and parked along the edge of stores. A tall man walked up to iden, he had long shaggy hair and what looked like blue eyes. Iden held his arms out to the guy for a hug "hey Sam" they hugged for a moment and iden turned to me, " this is my brother sam" I gave a small smile "hi" he smiled back when suddenly an arm swung around my neck and pulled me to the ground my arms flew up and clenched around their arm and pulled. They we all laughing and pointing as anger and confusion flooded through me. I kicked and elbowed but their grip only tightened. I quickly went in my pocket and pulled out my gun, Iden and Sam yelled and jumped on top of me suddenly looking concerned. Iden took the gun away from me and held down my arms "its Andy! Its Andy!" 

Andy let go and crawled out from under me. I laid there, closed my eyes and steadied my breath, the guys all laughing. I smiled a bit and pulled myself to my feet. I tufted up Andy's hair and laughed as he tried to fix it "next time ill shoot you"

"yeah  yeah, kill me now "

Ambers pov*****

Thick woods and fields lined the side of the road. I rested my head on rivers back ignoring the pain and watched the trees go by. He yelled over the sound of the engine "you okay?" I nodded my head, he turned down a dirt road and approached a run down factory. Riv stopped and turned off the bike "you're staying here tonight" I got off the bike

 "why!" Im not two!

"you just got the crap beat out of you and now they want you for various reasons! But now you want to confront them! you are staying here!"

"I never said that I just want to go home!

"that's the first place they'll look!" I started walking down the dirt road back to the highway "amber" I flicked him off over my shoulder "amber get back here"

"your not dad you cant force me to do something I don't want to do" he didn't respond. I turned back to look at him. he was stunned "look im sorry river im sorry I didn't mean it" he started the engine back up and drove up next to me

"fine. If you think im so much like dad then get on the bike."

"no" he raised his voice "get on the fucking bike"


"if Im like dad then get on the fucking bike! It wont fucking matter if you go back to him then!"

I was stunned, fear caped over me. he wouldn't, he never would, he couldn't. he cares about me too much  "on the bike now" his voice was demanding. I just stood in shock. he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the bike, I tried to pull away but his grip was tight constricting my wrist. my voice was shaky  "river you're hurting me"

"get on the bike"

"river please" I yanked again trying to get my arm free "fine" he dropped my arm "stay out here all you want" he revved the engine and drove off  "river! Your not like dad!" tears started to weld up, I pulled out my phone and called mark. "male it fast" I sniffled

"amber what's wrong" 

"please come get me, I don't want to be alone"

"river left you? " sudden anger came in his voice, I didn't say anything back "ill be there in a minute"

I hung up and sat down next to a tree and stared up. If only I hadn't of said that. if only I kept my mouth shut and listened. I shivered as the wind picked up, hot tears ran down my cheek. in the distance the engine rawred. I wiped my tears fast and got up. Im okay I whispered to myself as mark rode up to me "are you okay?" I nodded "stop lying to me amber" I didn't look him in the eye " I told him he was like dad.." he sat in shock "if somebody wasn't looking for you id leave you here. get on the bike" he gave a stern look. I straddled the back of the bike "he wanted to take me back to dad.." he didn't say anything, Just started the bike.

Rivers pov***

I switched off the bike and walked in the house. why would she say that. I'm nothing like dad! I sat down at the table and tried to calm down. I'm nothing like dad. I pulled out my phone and dialed in the number and waited.

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