New girl

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Hey guys I hope you guys like the book so far I was wondering if I could have some feed back on if I should Chang anything or not. Thnx ^^

"Amber where are you taking me"
"Somewhere" she giggled.
I was blind folded and shoved in the backseat "Amber what the fuck, where am I going" "Here!!!"i herd her jump out the car and open my door, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the car. I pulled down my blind fold, I was surrounded by a huge lake and trees a tire swing and a rope to jump in the water. "What is this place"
"Used to come here when dad got to drunk and passed out or passed out from the drugs. oh oh come here!" She ran off into the woods "Amber! where did you go!" She popped her head out from one of the trees "here" she gave me a cheeky smile and disappeared back behind the tree. I ran behind the tree "where the hell did you go!" "Up here" I looked up to see Amber hanging from the branches far above, she jumped down and stumbled into the bushes and laughed hard "haha need a little help up" she threw a hand up toward me and gave me the pouty lip "oh my god your adorable Amber" I pulled her up and she fell into my arms our faces inches apart. "A Little clumsy today?" She laughed, lunged out of my arms and ran to the water "jeez your like so happy today!" I laughed damn she so pretty. I ran over to the water, and seen Amber holding onto the rope "watch this!" She ran off the little cliff and swung on the rope, and let go and splashing hard into the water. I covered my face from the water . Amber coming up from air "come on! Come in the water! Don't be a dick!" I laughed "fine" I pulled off my shirt and threw it toward the hummer. I ran off the ledge and jumped in the water with a huge splash I opened my eyes underwater and swam toward Amber who's back was to me I grabbed her legs and pulled her down under the water. We both came up for air "oh my god your a meany!" Sarcasm in her voice, I laughed "you know you love me" Amber just looked at me. fuck did I just say that! I'm an idiot what the fuck. she finally laughed and hugged me tight. Thank god she doesn't hate me. She let go made a funny face and splashed backwards into the water, arms stretched out. I dove in after her, opened my eyes found her underwater grabbed her face and kissed her she wrapped her arms around my neck. I slowly let go and so did she as we floated up to the surface. I rested my forehead on hers as we kept our arms locked around each other. The sun was setting and it was getting dark "babe I think we should head back to the club it's getting dark" she nodded her head and we both got out of the water. I looked down at my clothes, oh well. We got in the car and rode to the club.

Rivers pov*****

I woke up from my nap with my phone ringing, it's Tyler. I growned into my pillow. "Hello"
""Riv it's 1 am you missed the meeting. I want you here now"
"And what happens if I don't come"
"I'll tell the whole club that you didn't come cause you have some dick virus."
"Ughhhh fine I'll be there in like a hour" I ended the call before Tyler could say anything, I rolled over and threw my phone down "ughhhhh!"I threw my covers off and rolled out of bed " Amber!" I waited for a answer. Nothing. "Mark!" I waited agin. Nothing. "Andy!" Nothing. Fuck is anyone home in the house hold. Fine I guess I have to go get a pop by myself. I rolled my eyes damn I'm lazy. Ugh!!!!! I got up and pulled on pants and a tee shirt. And crawled my way down stairs. I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes not bothering to tie them. I jumped on my bike "man I could just like fall asleep on my bike right here. Right now. Ughhhhh" I flicked the bike in gear and went to the club.

-at the club-

I pulled my bike in through the gates and parked it I jumped off and walked my way into the club and into the back room. "What do u want ty" "wow you look beautiful good job puting yourself together"
"Yep cover girl ready" he laughed "yeah but the real reason your here." Tyler walked over to the window and pointed to Amber and Danny messing around with shadow and lilly. "You know Ty I don't even care any more" "riv! She's spending the night here in Danny's room, with Danny!" "Oh my god just talk to Danny and worn him I guess just go with it" Tyler rolled his eyes.
"I'm leaving" I walked out and back on my bike, I looked at my phone "fuck already 3 am I'm not getting to sleep anytime soon. I turned on my bike and drove out and went toward the diner down the street. I parked and walked in. The place was mostly empty except a family off to the side some cheerleader chicks and some girl at the counter. The kids looked at me like I was some total monster from under there bed. I smirked, I love kids. I walked up to the counter and took a seat about 3 chairs away from this girl. She was so pretty and like adorable. Fuck stop starring, I said mentally. The waitress walked over. "What you lookin for" "just a black coffee" the waitress walked off. I pulled out my phone and tried to figure out a way to take a picture of that chick next to me without her noticing. I finally got the picture and click. The flash went off in her face as I took the picture. My face turned bright red "may I help you"
"Uh no I mean yes uh no"i stuttered.
"I think your face has entered a hole new meaning to embarrassed" she laughed. Omg her laugh is adorable. "Um your name is?"
"Skylar, well you can call me sky" she smiled "and you are"
"Oh yeah haha river or riv either way works" I blushed. Damn I'm falling for a girl I met at a diner. Ugh the guys are going to laugh at me. "Hey riv um could I maybe get your number..." she blushed. "Oh yeah um sure" she pulled out her phone and looked at me "7078564534"
"Got it" she smiled "hey I'll text you later k"
"K" she got up "bye photo boy" I blushed hard and she walked out. Oh my god I just talked to the most attractive girl ever oh my god. "Yes!" Everyone looked at me. Shit I said that out loud. I gulped down my now cold coffee and quickly left. I got out side and ' fan girled ' in the parking lot "oh my god!" I laughed and got on my bike and went home.

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