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---hey guys I'm sooo sorry I haven't been updating, I've been extremely busy! Hope you like the chapter!----

Andys pov*****

Bright light staring down on me.
Needles in my arms.
Machines beeping.
My heart rate slow but steady.
I was alive.
I blinked slowly, as the light hit my eyes. I reached for the covers and noticed a hole in my side. I dropped my head back on the pillow. I fucked up. Not like every other time, this time I really fucked up.

A chime came from the clock, it was 2 in the morning. I shifted my body and gasped as pain struck my body. I pushed off the blanket off my stomach. stitches were up the side of my arm and my stomach, bruises covered my body. "Fuck" I whispered to myself. I'm screwed.

The door opened and rivers head popped out from behind. River came in a shut the door behind him. He pulled up a chair next to me. "Hi" i said.
He looked up at me and smiled a little
"Im happy your okay" his eyes were red and dark bags were under his eyes. "How long have you been here"
He looked down at his hands
" me and amber have been here for about 2 days" My eyes widened "ambers here! Why is she here!"
"Calm down Andy she wanted to come to make sure you were okay. I tried to get her to go home but she didn't want to. I didn't want to force her to do anything. your hurt, bad and she cares about you." I relaxed and stared at the ceiling. "Is everyone at the club okay"
"Yes there fine" I gave out a deep breath and closed my eyes " can I see Amber please" river nodded, got up and left. Moments later Amber came in. She just stood there at the end of the bed and stared at me. "I'm okay" I hoped Amber couldn't see through my lie. I wasn't okay, I was far from okay. Amber walk on the side of my bed next to me and hugged me tight. I winced in pain but didn't say anything, just wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She stood back up and gave a side smile "you don't have to lie Andy, I know your not okay" i didn't say anything back. She gave a side smile "it's going to get some food do you want some..? I nodded my head and she walked out of the room.

-a few days later- Andys pov***

The doctors checked me one last time. Stitched up my side
Checked my lungs
And medicine..lots of it.
And I was let go.

"Okay Andy your all set. just change into your street clothes and sign out. But I want you to come back for your check ups, I want to make sure those stitches on your lungs heal correctly." I nodded my head. The doctor walked out and I changed into Jean pants and a loose tank top, I slipped my heavy boots over my feet but didn't tie them. I got up and opened the door and shut it behind me. I walked into the waiting room and Tyler Mark river and Amber were sitting there. Amber got up and ran into my arms, I hugged her tight. she kept her head down in my arms and whispered to me "I missed u" i just hugged her. She let go and went back to the chairs. Kids were staring at me. Some parents hid there kids from me, some pointed at me, talked about my tattoos. None of them tried to hide the fact I look like I should be in prison and locked up in a murder cell. I walked over to the counter, sighed my name and walked back over to the guys and Amber. Tyler hugged me when I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and seen a little girl in pig tails. "Excuse me mister, but are those real?" She pointed at my tattoos. I gave her a small smile and kneeled down next to her, and pointed to the tattoo on my arm, river Tyler and Mark were printed in cursive letters.  "This ones my favorite"
" See, Tyler Mark and river are over there. Those are my brothers, and we care about each other a lot." I pointed to Amber "that's Amber, my sister she's going right here" I pointed back to my arm underneath rivers name" the little girl looked amazed.
"So your telling me these are all real!!" I smiled "yep"
A woman quickly came over and grabbed ahold of the little girls hand "I'm so sorry, she wonders off a lot. I'm so sorry" I stood up "no problem, she's adorable" and the woman and her daughter walked off. I turned back to face the guys and amber, there mouths hanging open "what, what did I do now" river laughed "you were nice! to a little kid!"
"And???" I tried defending myself. They all laughed. River got up and started walking to the door out, "lets get out of here I'm tired of sleeping on chairs " Tyler, Mark and Amber  laughed and followed river out the door. river started the hummer and tossed the keys to Amber "Andy your taking the hummer with Amber. We'll go bike shopping tomorrow." I groaned and got in the passenger seat.

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