going home

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Marks pov***

I put the keys in the car and started it, backing up and driving down the street back to the house, I wasn't going to fight with the cops about getting Andy back for tonight, he could spend the night in jail, might actually help his dumb anger infused alcoholic ass.
As I pulled in the driveway I noticed the lights down stairs still on, I walked in the house and was greeted by Amber sitting down at the table "what you doin up kiddo"
"Bad dream I guess" I sat down next to her "Andy is spending the night in jail" she kind of laughed at looked at me for a moment, "now what?"
" I'm assuming he's gong to be charged of battery"
"he was drunk wasn't he?"
I nodded, Amber looked at me, with concern "do you think we can take him to rehab or just ease him off drinking so much?" I sighed "Amber you have to know that drinking isn't his only problem" she nodded "can we go home"
"we need to get back home I know" a few silent moments passed "Amber go get some sleep I'll book some flights" I nudged her out of her seat and watched her go upstairs as I pulled out my phone to jacks contact
"Hey, thank you so much for letting us sleep here and thanks for staying at your club for awhile but I think this has taken a tole on Amber and I'm kinda worried about her, she wants to head home I'm gonna book some flights for Friday" I sighed and pulled myself up and  walked back into my room sky was sleeping in the same spot. I sat down on my bead not bothering to change and went to sleep.

---------that  morning--------

Rivers pov***
My eyes fluttered open as I woke up with a dry mouth and a heavy headache, I sat up slowly as the strong feeling of throwing up waved over me "fuck" I stood up and walked to the door and jiggled the Handle, locked "why the fuck do we have a lock on the outside of a door" I banged hard on the door hoping someone would notice
I waited for a few moments and nobody answered, I kicked the door hard in frustration and walked over to the window and pushed it up. I looked down over the windowsill down at a large thick bush.

  It's only a one story building I said to my self as I tried not to think of what bugs were gonna be in there.  Hesitating, I reached on the bed and grabbed my phone and jumped through the window immediately regretting my decision to unknowingly land not so softly in a thorn bush. Yelling in pain as thorns pushed and scraped into my back and arms "FUCK" I laid still, scared to move, slowly I looked over the side of the bush and saw someone standing by the gates "hey! Hello!" they turned their head and proceeded to walk to me.
I saw Mark approach me laughing "what the fuck did you do" I looked at him like he was an idiot " I don't want to talk about it now fucking help me up dumb ass!" He crossed his arms a gave me a crooked smile "what do I get out of this?"
"I won't punch you In the Fucking face!" He snickered "buy me a pack of smokes and ice cream" I glared at him and gave up "fine" he put out his arm and grabbed me and pulled me up hard and fast as pain washed over me. I turned around slowly so he could see my back "how dose it look?"
 he began to laugh again, "It looks like a mouse ate your shirt..and some of your arms" I sighed
"Joy." I stiffly walked to the front of the club and pushed through the door, everyone looked at me like they were surprised to see me "where's Amber" Grayson spoke up, "she's at home, what do u need" I turned around slowly as small amounts of blood begin to drip down my arms and back
Grayson waved me toward him " I'll fix it" I followed him into one of the bathrooms and sat down backwards on the lid of the toilet. "So how did you do this" he said plainly

" I was locked in a room and jumped out the window into what I now know is thorn bushes". He laughed and slowly pulled thorns out of my back with small tweezers.

Sky's pov****
I went down stairs and was pleased to see Amber siting at the table "hey loser" she smiled "hi, were leaving tomorrow night by the way" I nodded my head and grabbed some bread from the table and put it in the toaster "you want to go to the mall today and ya know just have a girls day" she laughed "duhhhhhh"

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