Big brother

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Ambers pov******

   I rode up to the field behind some Diner and laid down.  the cold breeze brushed up agenst my skin. The ground was cold, wet, and muddy but laying there gave me a sense of safeness and I was able to feel clam and just relax. I wasn't mad anymore, just tired of being lied to. I think the weirdest part was that I was able to feel like this knowing that in any moment someone could ride up. its not like I'm that far from the club, there's a street lamp about 10 feet from me so you can easily  see the bike. I'm in the beginning of a field, any normal person would question a  motorcycle there.

Cars from the street slowly faded, leaving me to the sound of crickets when my phone rang breaking the silence, I shut my eyes and waited for it to stop  assuming it was Mark. I can hear him now, Where are you?!?! Your going home right now!!! I chuckled a bit, best impression yet. The ringing stopped as yet my stomach started to growl. I pulled myself off the ground and walked over to the bike, snatching my keys, phone, twenty dollars and started for the diner.

The place was practically empty, some old guy in the corner and a group of teenage guys. I walked over to the counter and sat down. There was a tall male behind the counter, looked about mid thirties with gray hair poking out from the mix of brown "what would you like to drink?" I kept examining him, hadn't shaven in a few days, wrinkled clothes......"just a water" he nodded and walked away. I pulled out my phone, four  missed calls and five messages. I sighed as I didn't feel like replying to liars. All my life I have been lied to over and over again about dumb things but yet I feel like this is the dumbest. I have an older older brother. I feel like I'm still gonna consider River as my big brother not Grayson.
The man was walking back with a water as I pulled my shirt down a bit. He placed the glass in front of me and I smiled "thank you" I smiled at him and put my hand on top of his. " do you think you can go in the back and get me a Reds beer please mr" he hesitated a bit and then glanced at my chest. Quietly he said okay and walked in back. I smiled a bit, one thing dad taught me was how to get my way even if it wasn't one of the greatest ideas. I mean I'm not that  under age, I'm only a year too young. I popped that tap off my beer and took a sip as my phone started to ring yet again, I put the phone to my ear as piercing screams came through the other end. "where the fuck are you! you cant just run off when shit gets hard! I'm coming to get you where are you! And don't you dare think about telling us somewhere different!" Annoyance crept through me, "what are you gonna do, tell our pathetic excuse of a father to take me too." the line went silent as marks voice became more calm and sympathetic. "please" I sighed "northwest 62 diner" I hung up and put my phone down, not caring to hear anything else he had to say.

Marks pov*******
I slid my phone back into my back pocket "she's at the 62 diner" I got back on the bike and checked my gun " I'm full, do you need bullets" gray shook his head and waited on the bike. I sighed " this is your sister Grayson your going to learn to be a brother. You weren't for me, Or anyone else." He didn't look up just nodded. I spoke under my breath " fine" I revved my engine and sped in front or Grayson.

**** at the diner*****
The ride was short only ten minutes. I arrived a bit before Grayson. Leaving me time to catch up to myself.
As Grayson rode up I slid my leg over and off the bike, walking into the diner. A few people scattered around the diner, but not many. I spotted Amber in the corner at the bar sitting with a beer. I walked over and sat down. " so where did you get this"
" what the beer?"
I nodded
"asked for it. How else genius" I sighed, annoyingly enough Amber has the same sarcasm as me. She smiled roughly " so am I gonna be yelled at or are you just gonna sit here"
" I'm sorry for getting upset. Just I want him to be a good brother and actually care about you. He didn't do that for us" she nodded. " it's ok" there was a few moments of awkward silence.  " so where's the big brother."
" hes outside still. Go easy on him, okay?" She gave a fake laugh "go easy on him? He hasn't been here my entire life, fuck Mark I just found out about him." I sighed
" I know I'm sorry. Just please." 
She mumbled "fine" and got up grabbing the beer and heading toward the door. I pulled out five bucks, placed it on the table and followed her to the door "Amber" she kept walking out the front door, past gray and behind the diner. "Amber where are you going"
"Where do you think I'm going"
Walking up to the bike she chugged the rest of what was in the bottle and slid a leg over the bike " you're not driving"
"You just finished off a beer. I'm not letting you drive" she rolled her eyes and put a key in the ignition " I'm not five anymore Mark. It was only one, Let me be" I rubbed the back of my neck "would you at lest go home please and maybe call sky and explain everything. I can pick her up on my way home" she sighed. "Sure. I'm done with here I want to actually go home, as in home home not ur friends place."
I nodded "we'll go home soon" i walked back to my bike
Grayson was sitting on the bike still. "good job being a big brother"
"Mark, ya know I don't fucking know her what am I suppose to say"
"Gray you've known about her,  hell you knew where she lived and left mom way before we did so you could have at least tried to at least say hi to her." He just sat there. "ya, good job being a big brother, I'm proud of u Gray"

Ambers Pov****
---at jacks house----

I unlocked the front door and jogged upstairs into my room and searched in the pile of clothes river threw I'm my duffle bag, I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and tank top. I slipped them on and went back down stairs into the kitchen and stood in the light of the fridge. A moldy banana, half a bottle of beer a Pepsi and left over mac n cheese were the only things left in the fridge. Okay I mumbled to myself, looks we'll eat in the morning. I turned the corner into the living room, sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone and went to Danny's contact. I haven't really talked to him since I left. I texted him, "hey I just wanted to say hi and that I love you,text me in the morning" I sighed and called Sky. It rang a few times till she picked up with a groggy half awake tone. "Hello?"
"Hey, I'm really sorry about them leaving u somewhere else"
"It's okay"
"Mark told me he's gonna come pick u up on his way home" she sighed "dose he know what time it is?"
"Yeah I know I'm sorry"
"Okay well I'm gonna try and get sleep before he comes"
"Okay sorry sky see you soon" she hung up. I stood up and dragged my feet upstairs and into my room. I quietly shut the door forgetting I'm the only one home and crawled into bed. I pulled the covers up over my shoulders and shut my eyes.

Hey guys sorry bout the weird and VERY late chapter, I had a hard time writing this one. Anyway thanks for reading and ur welcome Skylar 😉btw tell me what u guys think about the whole Danny thing❤️❤️

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