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      2 months later...


It's been a while and everything's the same me and asshole screwing each other our groups are hanging out often. Cara and Chace have surprisingly become official which in my opinion is that if its good for them but i don't believe in relationships.I still join them time to time I just tend not to mingle a lot it's a pain and I don't have too much fucks to give my band has arrived last month and we've been practicing in the basement of the house which I found out few weeks after shifting and we've already played twice in a bar. My jobs are going as they should those kids get on my nerves though and I've been bugging my gym coach for a fight it will be my first fight after 2 and half months he says it's difficult to find someone of my weight class because its rare they are mostly below it or some are their which are above it I said I don't give a shit I can take people above my weight class but he's being an ass about it. 

I walked through the hall everyone looking away when they see me well most people do that after a couple pranks and beating up Noah and his gang I opened my locker and suddenly 5 or 6 bird flew out frantically over my face and one just scratched my cheek everyone was looking my way now and I just shook my head he needs to step up his game I've already put glue in his gel he loves his hair so I wonder what his reaction will be. I wiped a little blood from my cheek and grabbed my books and was heading towards my class when a very furious asshole with his hood up I smirked as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to a corner and pushed his hood down I smirked at him

"Rocking a new hairstyle are we"I mocked

"This is not coming off and if it ruins a single strand on my hair you'll be dead bitch" I said looking like an angry bull I chuckled

"Don't get you panties in twist asshole. You're such a girl take this it will wash it of"I said taking out the bottle from my bag he extended his hand to grab it but dodged it away and he kept trying to pull it and then I leaned closer and kissed him, he kissed back roughly my hand reached his hair and it felt like cactuses so broke the kiss and handed him the bottle

"Take it and wash that thing off it feels like I am making out with thorn filled rose"I said

"I am a rose?"he said raising an eyebrow

"Its a metaphor ever took English class?"I said with an eye roll

"I am always too busy checking you out in that class"he shrugged and ran off after pecking my cheek OK this we don't do eww its too coupley.

It's English class now and our teacher Mrs Hart who always wears pink and dresses like a teenage girl who has discovered what the word slut means which disgust me because she is over 40 and no one wanna see her cleavage, has given us 15 minutes to write our thoughts about the word "love" ironic. I just stared at my paper and wrote it down.

("Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes its just another way to bleed..." That's what I read somewhere and who ever said this is winning at life because it's fucking true)

And then I put my pen down and she started calling people out to read it out loud it's hilarious how they think that love is something great and it's all rainbows and butterflies and I quote "love is everything" they don't know how wrong they are. Some said they don't believe in it that it doesn't exist and its just hormones and they are part right but it's not just that only someone who have lived it knows I zoned out like that until my name was called out. And I read it out loud.

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