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As usual I walked in school everybody laughing, making out and doing their stuff but what was unusual there that the girls were gathered around my locker I walked towards them and gave them a questioning look.

"We were talking about Halloween" Leigh spoke now you have my attention

"What about that are there any plans?" I said a little excited

"Wow you must really like Halloween and yes there are but I am not sure if you would like it"she said

"Fuck yeah its my favorite time of year and what won't I like?" I asked and they hesitated to tell me

"Its Aden's party its his early birthday party too since he spends his birthday with parents"Cara said

"You don't expect me to go to his party right"

"Oh come on its the first time we are invited we always wanted to go to this party"she said





"OK but only because its Halloween" I won't miss Halloween for life

"Yes!!" they cheered

"So what's the plan for mischief night?" I asked

"Oh we don't do that here its strictly forbidden" Clair said

"All the more reason to do it" I said

"But there's a rule that if anyone plays any prank on mischief night they will be suspended" Aria spoke

"Does it look like I care about rules?" I commented

"But they will know who did it they have cameras"said Leigh

"So we just have to cut some wires are you in or what just tell me" I asked they looked at each other and then they all looked at Aria who was not that sure but then she shrugged

"Ok we are in do you have any plan?" They all nodded

"Of course its tonight and I always have a plan but it might take a little more people" I answered

"That's no problem"Clair said and an evil grin grew on my face

**lunch time**

"Why are we here?" Josh asked

"Just going to prank the shit out of the whole school board so we could some hands in that"I said

"But isn't that--"

"Yeah it is but I don't care are you in?" I cut Chace off and they just shrugged


"OK so what exactly are we gonna do here?"Clair asked

"Good questions distract the guards"I said to Clair

"Why me?"

"Cause babe you look hot"I said

"Well I agree I am pretty hot aren't I?" She said cockily and then got to work

As Clair distracted the guard we entered the school and everybody got to there work Cara and Chace were on roof mixing paint in water tanks Josh and Archer are busy breaking all the pipes of sprinklers and Jake and Leigh were to open all the taps in bathrooms while Blake and Aria were spilling ditergents in hallways and cafeteria which left me and asshole to do the most fun and bitchiest thing as we both got ready with spray paints in our hands

"So get to work now show them who's the bitch" Aden winked at me and we went inside every classroom and wrote things on the board like

"Halloween bitches"

"Suck my dick!"

"Happy Hoelloween motherfuckers!!"

Well many other stuff too now for the big finish we all were out and I twisted the tap of tank

"Clair where is the guard won't he here us?" Aria asked

"Well thanks to Bree's idea he is tied up half naked in the backside of school"she smiled evilly

"It was you who shook the boobs babe"I said

"God you're wicked"Aden whispered in my ears I smiled that's weird

**Halloween morning**

We planned to meet up in parking lot so we could see our work together we gathered up and went inside well the foamed water was flowing outside too but the inside of school was a disaster there was blue water filled in hallways with foam floating on top of it and water dripping from ceiling the lockers were drenched in blue water and everyone I mean students were happy about it and teachers were pissed as fuck there was an announcement made at that exact time

"All the student and teachers are excused for today as the school is not in a good condition right now and for the students who have pulled this prank we will assure that they get the right punishment for it" we all smirked and went out

"Now get ready for the party!!"Cara shouted

"OK see you at 8:00 then"I said

"What 8:00 we are meeting up in 3 hours and then we have a road trip"Chace said I looked at him confused

"The party is at my lake house it's outside the town" Aden said

"And no one told me because?"

"We thought you might bail"Cara said

"Fuck yeah I would've but I owe you guys for the prank so I will come" I said and they cheered

A/N long time no update but I am back with a bang I might do a double update today

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