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So we are here in this massive villa in the middle of woods with a big lake on one side and woods on the other and I am already half drunk how the hell do they think I am gonna help them decorate this day is shit already

"Come Bree let's see the villa" the girls are calling

"Are you fucking kidding me all I need to do is get the fuck out of this fucking car and find a decent enough place to pass the fuck out, you know what leave me here its already comfy" I said in a drunken state

"That's why you don't drink before the party starts" Asshole said picking me up on his shoulder and I started hitting him on his back but didn't give up so I did as he carried me and then I was thrown on to a bed

I woke up with a headache alone in an unfamiliar room I picked up my phone which was sitting on the bedside table and checked the time its already 7 in the evening which means I was out for almost 3 hours I got up and went outside everybody was almost done decorating all the scary stuff well it looks dope I will give them that I can only see Clair and Leigh I hall so I went ahead and slumped on the couch

"Look who decided to join in our drunken beauty" Clair announced

"Whatever you put me through that road trip with asshole"I blamed her

"So you blame us you know that you love Halloween its was your choice"Clair defended herself

"Whatever just tell me when the party starts and where the fuck is my bag?"I asked looking towards Leigh who is acting weird

"It starts at 10 and your bag might still be in your jeep"she said glumly

"Jeep! I bought my jeep? Who drove it? And how did I let anyone drive it? Am I out of my mind? And what's with that stupid face of yours looks like someone killed your cat and barbecued it in front of you"I started panicking because I might too be drunk to let anyone touch Stella

"Eww that's nasty but valid point and Aden drove it you were acting very weird with him though" Clair said

"Its nothing! I am going I need to get ready" she snapped and walked away me and Clair exchanged a look of suspicion but I shrugged it off

"What weird?"I asked drawing my attention back towards main thing

"Well you were bickering but wasn't normal it was like a lovers quarrel"she said wiggling her brows

"I am literally gonna puke at this thought lovers can suck my ass"with that I walked out to check on Stella and look what I found asshole sucking her ears off

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Taking to her I think she has forgiven me for the past" he with a sly smirk

"Only I talk to her and keys!" I demanded as he tossed them towards me and I catched it

"You know your swear level multiplies to 10 when you are drunk your swear jar would have been full well if you had one" why is he still talking

"Keep on rambling all you want I am off" as I took out my bag and walked inside the house.

Now as everyone is ready and villa is almost full now there have been tricks and treats all over as this is a party and there is booze and music so everyone's on the dance floor Chace and Cara are dressed as a zombie bride and groom while Leigh, Aria and Clair are three musketeers josh was dark Knight joker while Archer was Edward scissorhands and Jake was captain jack sparrow and I am Medusa and as for asshole he had to be Poseidon ugh the irony as we are dancing a giant bag of Cheetos jumped in front of me startling everyone around and there she stands with her sickly sweet smile green eyes and dark hair beaming like a kid

"I found you!" She said excitedly

"About time but how would you know I am here today?" I asked well this is Misha my ex and best friend I really get sick of her but she has gone through so much with me that its hard to be apart

"Its the biggest Halloween party around Asheville duh" and I just shrugged

"So you're just gonna stand there?" she watched me accusingly well fuck it as I grabbed her kissed her full on the mouth well this is something we do a lot like A LOT! and we broke apart all the dumb asses were looking at us amused except for Blake cause he knows her he just hugged her and I stood there like what I am not good at introducing people

"She's not gonna introduce me so I might do it myself hi I am Misha her best friend I know it might sound weird that she has a best friend but trust me on that she's not that hard and oh my god sorry I didn't know she had a boyfriend and I kissed her--" she said looking at asshole while we all cut her off

"WHAT!!!" Cue everyone

"Well you're Medusa and he is Poseidon so I figure"she said trailing off

"Well He's not!"I said

"OK cranky pants"said with her hands I surrender then everybody starts introducing themselves

As time went by now we all sitting playing drinking games and this is never have I ever

"Never have I ever pissed during sex" Misha said as me, Leigh, Misha and Clair takes the shot what? it happens!

"Never have I ever been arrested" said Chace as me, josh and Asshole took the shot

"Well I am losing this game" I announced

"Just deal with It" said Misha

"Never have I ever had sex with anyone sitting here"said Cara I knew that devil mind

Well everyone drank except for Jake and Aria well Blake had sex with Misha so yeah not awkward at all

"Wait I didn't know you two had a thing" I pointed at Clair and Archer

"Well it was in middle school" replied Archer

"But whom did you had sex with?" Cara asked asshole well now that cat is out of the bag well he didn't answer he just hesitated looking toward me

"I knew it! You two had sex didn't you" Said cara

"Well yeah we did it was good we enjoyed it so what" I said well I am far too drunk right now

"Ok moving on from this awkward conversation" said Chace

"Never have ever...... Been in miles high club" said Asshole and no one drank well except for Misha of course

"Well i am shocked on that one" said Clair and everybody laughed and the night goes by the last thing I remembered was the feeling of my arms wrapped around a bare muscular figure and warmth of skin on my cheeks....

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