Chapter 23

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"Mckayla." Said the voice, shaking me to my core. The darkness acted as a veil, hiding her from sight. "It's time."

"F-for what?" I ask shakily, but I already know the answer.

"For you to die, of course." Said my sister, walking out of the darkness with a bloodied dagger in hand.  Her face was filled with rage and determination as she started running towards me. Just as I let out a scream, the darkness swallowed me up, waking me from the nightmare.


"Mckayla." I punched the shape leaning over me as I sat up in bed, ready to fight for my life. Blood was pounding in my ears and a cold sweat was plastering the bed sheets to my shaking body. "Ow! God, Mckayla. Its just me." Said Kristen, rubbing her shoulder.

"Wh-what?" I said, trying to slow my racing heart. "Sorry."

"I'm going to have a bruise. Thanks a lot."

"I said sorry. Why are you in my room, anyway?"

"I heard you screaming again."

"Oh." Ever since the first night back, I have been having nightmares of Jessica. That was two weeks ago. I put my head in my hands. "I'm really sorry. I just...can't shake the feeling of having a evil twin sister out to get me."

"Okay, well, go back to sleep. It's 4 in the morning. We have school today." With that, Kristen went back out to her room across the hall. I didn't really think that I could go back to sleep. I peeled the damp covers off my sweating body and got in the shower. My body felt fresh, but my mind was a mess. 

My grades were slipping, I started sleeping in class, I spent more time alone...I was a mess. The first time I fell asleep in French class, I started screaming in my sleep. When the teacher came back to wake me up, I left a scratch on his face that pushed blood to the surface. I was sent out to the nurse, but she just explained that I was going through a rough time.

Not knowing what to do, I got dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, pulled my wet hair into a ponytail, and watched a movie. I wasn't paying attention, but it was a distraction. Even after the movie ended, I just sat and did nothing. I watched the minutes go by.





Anything to keep me from sleep. From the nightmare. From Jessica.


8:12. There was a knock at my door.

"Its open." I said, barely loud enough for the person to hear. The door opened and Derek walked in.

"Why aren't you getting ready for school?" He said, noticing me laying on my bed.

"Because I give up." I said simply.

"Give up what?"

"School. Life. Anything else I can fail at."

"You can't give up. You're being melodramatic."

"No. Yes. Maybe. Whatever." I said, sounding very monotone. Derek sighed and came to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Whats wrong this time."

"I'm still having dreams."

"Me too."

"Yes, but I have dreams of getting killed every night. I can't take it."

"But you're here. Alive. Breathing. Healed. About to go to school."

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