Chapter 27

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I wish I had worn water proof boots, because the snow was melting through my uggs. I had no idea where Jessica was suppose to be, so I just wandered through the forest with my coat pulled firmly around me and my bag slung over my shoulder.

The idea of what I was about to do scared me. Even though I knew that it was for the best, I was scared out of my mind. Putting one foot in front of the other was a hard task; I was shivering - out of fear or coldness, I don't know. In this part of the woods, the snow was almost up to my knees and the trees were keeping out most of light from the setting sun. My leggings were soaked and sticking uncomfortably to my legs. No part of what I was doing felt good, but I had to do it, for Derek.

I missed him. A lot. Even though I had only met him, Kristen, Paige, Kathrin, and Mary not long ago, they had become a part of my life; the one that wasn't a lie. I was still a little upset and confused about why my parents hadn't told me what I was. Every time I had asked about my birth parents, they had just dismissed me by saying that they didn't know much about them. And now, I'm a princess? I went from a 'normal' teenage girl to a shifter princess in a few days. I haven't had and princess 'duties', but it still stressed me out.

I went from being an only child to having a evil twin sister who was out to get me, and had my boyfriend held captive. Man, my life is pretty messed up right now.

Why can't she just go away? What have I done to her? If I went on the run, would she find me? So many questions were flying through my mind.

Where was I going, anyway? She had said to meet her in the woods, but the woods isn't exactly a small area. The snow level had went back down to the height of my boot, but there was already melting snow covering my whole lower half. Needless to say, I was freezing.

The sun was quickly sinking. Soon, it would be pitch black and I still wouldn't know where I'm going. I let out a sound of frustration.

"Going somewhere, Princess?" Asked a deep voice. I nearly jumped out of my boots. I swivelled around, trying to find the person who was speaking. "Lost, are we?" The person chuckled. I looked around and saw someone sitting on a tree branch to my left, about ten feet up. I couldn't see his face, but I had a feeling I had already meet him before.

"Yes, actually. Tell your boss or whatever to leave better instructions next time." I said, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes. "So, are you going to bring me to her, or what?"

"Okay Miss Attitude, if you insist." The guy jumped down and walked closer to me. When he moved to be five feet away from me, I recognized him.

"You're the vampire that tried to kill me!" It was indeed; he was wearing a black trench coat and black jeans, to block out the chill or for fashion, I don't know.

"Kill, injure, paralyse, whatever. Lets go." With that, he picked me up, tossed my over his shoulder, and ran through the woods.


When we finally stopped, I felt like I was going to throw up. Once my feet were firmly planted on the ground, I doubled over and tried no to lose my supper. I only needed to see it once.

"Weak stomach? You haven't travelled at vampire speed before, have you?"

"What gave you that idea?" I asked sarcastically. I straightened up and looked around. One thing I did notice was that I didn't have my bags. Crap.

We were standing in a small clearing. How cliché. My surroundings were now just illuminated by the moon; the sun had set. Tall trees formed a circle-like clear area. The snow was fairly packed down; it wasn't over my boots. But there was a lack of people.

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