Chapter 29

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The sun was now almost halfway up, and was sending out an orange glow. It was almost peaceful. Derek and I were too on-edge to be calm and enjoy the beautiful morning.

Then, something broke the silence. A scream. A scream that I would always recognize, no matter the distance.

My mother's.

Before Derek could even try to stop me, I was running through the forest, towards the battle, towards my mother. There was no way I was wrong; this woman has raised me since I was a toddler. I would always recognize her face, her voice, her scream.

Fear spread throughout my body, making me feel as if I was going to throw up. There was no way I would stop before I reached my mom.

Another scream rattled through the forest, which was just as painful.

My father's.

How did Jessica get her hands on my parents? Why would she bring them into this? I was trying to keep them away from this part of my life.

How heartless was my sister?

My thoughts were the scariest things I could be facing right now. Imagining all of the horrible things that she could be doing was tearing my mind apart. All I wanted to do right now was get to my parents and take their place.

All I could hear was the crunching of snow and a heavy breath behind me, which was Derek following me. He didn't know why I had taken off. He didn't know who those screams belonged to.

I wish I didn't.


Do you ever get a feeling of loss, even though you haven't lost anything yet?

Like you know what's to come, and you can't stop it from happening?

Well, if you haven't, let me tell you that it's the worst feeling of all.

Two people's lives were in the palm of my hand, and they were quickly slipping through my fingers. No matter what I did, I couldn't get a grasp on them. They were dying right in front of my eyes, and there was nothing I could do to save them.


Just as my paws touched the ground, they were set in motion again. I was running through the deep snow, on my way to my unarmed parents. They had no method or weapon of self defence, I was sure of that. They hadn't been in a life-or-death situation like this before.

Derek was still behind me, but I couldn't hear nor see him. I was in too big of a rush to look. The only thing I was focused on was my parents and their survival.

The sky was lit by the orange sun, not yet fully up. I had no idea what time it was.

I could start to see people and animals in a large group up ahead. They were all facing something in the middle of a small clearing. My stomach twisted as a scream sounded through the cold morning air. I took no time getting to the crowd and pushing my way through all of the people. In the center of the small circle, there were four people; Jessica, a wolf, my mother, and my father.

What I saw rocked me to my core.

My sister stood slightly to the side, arms crossed over her chest and a small smirk on her face. A large grey wolf stood next to her, it's mouth open revealing long, pointed, bloodied teeth.

When I looked at my parents, it felt as if time had stopped, just to taunt and torture me. Complete horror erupted through my body, making me stumble back a step.

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