I get into my dark skinny jeans, combat boots, put my hair up in a high ponytail, and wear my sports bra with a black tank top. We're on our way to go find the cure which is at a pond. Collin says he doesn't think it'll be in the pond but more so on the edge. I also brought my bikini. Apparently, since I'm a vampire now, I can breathe under water longer. Yay, I guess.
"Ok. We're going to split up. Morgan and I in a group and Eliza and Cailey. We'll check North and East. You two, check West and South. The cure will be in a small metal box. It may look like a jewelry box. Every one know what to do?" We all nod. "Ok, then." He bobs his head to the North as if beckoning Morgan 'this way'.
Cailey's P.O.V ~
I wish, they would stop holding Ashley hostage. She won't hurt anyone. At least I don't think she would. I mean, she did kill Eliza. I don't trust Morgan. She doesn't seem trustable. Like she's up to no good. Ugh. Focus, Cailey. We're looking for the cure.
"Hey." Eliza says, breaking me out of my trance. "Are you okay? You look worried." I sigh. "I know. I'm still a little shaken up with the whole thing, and I really want to find the cure for you."
Collin's P.O.V ~
"Why does little miss 'I get anything I want' really need the cure?" Morgan says annoyingly. "Why can't she just do what every other vampire in the world does. Accept it."
"Listen, she has a chance at a normal life. I dragged her into this and it's my job to get it back on track."
"Fucking shoot me." Morgan says. "She's so needy."
"Hey!" I yell. "I chose to do this for her, you didn't have to come."
"Yeah, whatever. It's better than being just in that hell whole of a house." She's so annoying. God.
Eliza's P.O.V ~
What if we don't find the cure. I'll be stuck living like this. Dead but alive at the same time. I was really hoping Morgan wouldn't come. She just gives me a weird feeling. At least Cailey is here. I don't know what I'd do without her. She helps me through so much. I look at my watch. 1:45. Dang. We've been looking for about an hour and a half. Where did time go.
Morgan's P.O.V ~
I have got to find that stupid cure. All my problems would be solved if I find it. Everything. I could finish high school. Graduate college. Have kids. I just have to get to it before Eliza. Good thing I know where it is... **
I try to distract Collin before I run off. I think I lost him. I went to the biggest tree at the lake, where the cure is, and start digging. I dig and dig until *thump*. There it is, the metal box with same Czech design on it. I open it up. A bottle. Small. But there it is. The cure. I grab it and put it in my pocket and race back to Collin.
"Where did you go?" He asks.
"I had to pee." He bought it. "Well, we should go get the girls. I think we've searched enough for today. Yes.
Eliza's P.O.V ~
"Hey, guys!" Collin shouts.
"Did you find it I yell."
"Nope." I frown. "I think we could all use some sleep." He says.
We all make our way back. Cailey's car is at Collins house so we drove there, I went inside to get a blood bag. When I went into the freezer to get one. I heard Collin yell no. I ran into the living room to find Morgan holding a very small tube. She looked at us and said sorry and shoved it in her mouth. Collin yelled. We all stared at her in shock until she fell onto the floor. Great.
~ A:N
Ooh! So Morgan took the cure. How do you feel about that?