The Stay in the Great Hall

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I woke up with a slight headache. I slowly sat up and my vision has finally cleared.

My older brothers and best friends were crowding me as we sat in what I assumed to be the Great Hall.

"What—" I began to ask.

"Sirius Black broke into the castle," Ron said quietly. "Tried to get into the common room."

"You fainted," Harry said worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Fine..." I whispered.

"So why are we all in here," I asked.

"Dumbledore's making us sleep in here for the night." Hermione blushed.

"You two sleeping next to each other?" I giggled.

Cedric and Hermione nodded.


Everyone was now sound asleep in the Great Hall. I really, really needed the restroom.

I unwrapped Harry's arm from my waist and slowly stood up. I walked towards Percy and Professor McGonagall.

"Miss. Diggory, back to bed," she said strictly.

"But professor I really need to go," I whined.

She then oohed and sighed.

"Percy, will you follow her?" McGonagall asked.

Percy nodded.

"Professor, I'm more than capable of handling myself. The toilets aren't that far away, I'll be okay," I reassured.

She hesitantly nodded before opening the door and letting me out.

I exited the Great Hall and they shut the door. I held my wand up and sighed.

"Lumos," I whispered.

I walked down the long corridor and turned the corner. From a distance I could hear whimpering. I walked towards the whimpering. An animal was hurt I can't let it remain hurt.

I saw a Jet Black Dog, the same Jet Black Dog from my vision.

My wand had dropped and I felt an instant chill and I felt as if all the happiness had gone.

Three Dementors were approaching me and the ... where did the dog go.

"Help!" I screamed.

I got to the and looked for my wand.

"What was the spell?" I asked myself.

My wand still not in my hands.

"Expecto Patrono?"


They were nearing towards me.

"HELP!" I screamed louder.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Suddenly a large silvery Lion came from  a wand and shot two of the Dementors back. The first one, furious and angered made its way towards me and shoved me wand to the side.

The dementor ran its bony hands down my face and pinned me against the floor sucking my soul and happiness out. I heard distant footsteps come towards me.

A white orb was exiting from my mouth.


The dementor had been blasted back and the orb returned to my mouth. I was a little hazy as to what had just happened.

Professor Snape lifted me in his arms and brought me back to the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall gasped as she saw my body dangling.

I noticed almost everyone in the Great Hall was awake.

"What happened," Cedric cried out.

He ran towards me followed by Christian.

"The dementor almost kissed her," Snape whispered to McGonagall. "Almost took every ounce of her soul out of her."

"There — were – three... blasted – two – away —" I gasped every time I spoke.

The dementor almost took my soul away..

Professor Dumbledore came into the Great Hall clearly furious.

"Is it true Miss Diggory," he asked.

Snape nodded.

"I've had it with these Dementors!"

He stormed out of the Great Hall and Snape finally set me down. Madam Pomfrey came running into the Great Hall and advised someone to take me to her office.

Cedric did of course.

I was now laying on the Hospital bed I'm always in when I'm injured. Madam Pomfrey was handing me so much chocolate and advised me to eat it all and if I wanted more she could get.


"Cedric..." I whispered.

Madam Pomfrey was now in her office sound asleep. Cedric and I were the only two bodies in the Hospital Wing.

"Yes Kay," he whispered.

"I'm scared..." I sniffled.

Cedric sat up from his bed and sat besides me on mine.

"Why," he asked.

I looked down and wiped away the tears.

"The dementor almost took away my soul... what if this happens again... what if this time it achieves its goal... what if I never have a soul again..." I cried harder.

Cedric wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my head.

"Then I'd find a way to get your soul back or I'll die trying," he smiled.

His arms tightened around me and he chuckled.

"It's okay to be afraid sometimes," he smiled.

I nodded.

"There's another thing," I whispered.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I think I saw dad helping me the first time I was attacked. Then this time I swear I heard his voice.. the same voice of the man who helped me." I whispered.

Cedric didn't say anything for a while.

"I won't let him hurt you," Cedric whispered.

I nodded.

"Don't leave me please," I begged.

"Never munchkin," Cedric smiled.

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