What Are You Doing?

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Maya POV
It was-


What is he doing here?

"Um.. hey Uncle Boing. What are you doing here?" I said not trying to be rude.

"Oh! That kid you like called me and told me that you were going on a date!"

"His name is Lucas, and I don't like him." I stated, but this time I didn't care if I sounded rude.

"If you didn't like him, then how would you know I was talking about Lucas?"
He said wriggling his eyebrows.

He's got a point.

"Whatever Josh." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait... did you come here because you are jealous?" I asked.

"Uh.. of course not!" he said scratching the back of his head. He's lying.

"Uh huh.. sure..." I said almost bursting out laughing.

Josh likes me? Almost too good to be true.

"If you don't mind, I have a date I have to go to. Oh and guess what? You aren't my date!" I said. Wow Maya... that was kind of mean.

"Well, I'm sorry for bothering you!" He said and threw his hands up in the air.

"Bye Josh." I said a little harshly. What is wrong with me?

Josh POV
I'm gonna bother Maya a little bit more...

*laughs maniacally*

"Um... Josh. Why are you laughing like that?" she asked.

I forgot she was still there.

"No reason... no reason at all!" I said with a wicked smile on her face.

She is not gonna know what coming.

And I'm going to get that Ranger Rick to help me.

Oooh Cliffhanger!

What do you think Lucas and Josh are up to?

Well guess what...

Lol I just wanted to get the title in there somewhere.

Love your crazily stupid author, and with lots of love, lol


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