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Sorry I haven't been updating, I'm sick. Also I have no space left on my phone. So I can't update from there anymore. But here is the next chapter.

Lucas POV

I rushed out the hospital doors, looking for Maya

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I rushed out the hospital doors, looking for Maya.

I already knew where she would be.

Central Park.

I ran through the whole park, looking for her, looking for my princess.

I found her sitting on the park bench, hands in her face, crying her soul out. And as if on cue, it started to rain. As if we were in a love story. And then a  thought struck me. 

Maybe, just maybe we are.

I tapped on her shoulder.

"Lucas?" she asked as she turned her head slightly, not taking it from her hands.

"Hey," I said in a measly, soft voice, "what are you doing here, all alone?"

"I'm sorry I just ran out, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed" she said while staring at me with her stone cold blue eyes, finally taking her hands out her face.

"No need to feel sorry, everything that  has happened in the last 24 hours has ben m fault." I tried to explain.


Clearing her voice, Maya spoke, breaking the quiet. "I've been thinking." she said.

"About what?" I asked, curious of what thought she has in her mind.

"Take me to your house, and I'll tell you." she said.

I nodded my head. I then realized she was cold, and I did what any gentleman in any movie would do.

"Would you like my coat?" I asked.

She answered hesitantly, "Sure."

I took her to my house.

Maya POV

I walked into his house

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I walked into his house.

It was HUGE.

He walked upstairs, for some reason rushing to avoid his family.

No such luck.

"Well, hello, aren't you the cutest little thing," Lucas' mom said, pinching my cheek, "but aren't you Maya? The one Lucas had the project with?" she turned to Lucas, "what happened to Riley?"

I felt a pang of jealousy.

"She broke up with me Mom." he said.

"Well, are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine mom, I've had my eye on someone else lately." he said, winking at me.

I tried to hide my face, so he wouldn't see me blush.

"Okay then.." his mom said, noticing the obvious connection between us.

Lucas took my hand and led me to his room, before his mom could ask anymore questions.

I looked around. Baseball posters, hanging on his blue and red walls (XD if you obsess over gmw like i do, you'll get it. If not, pm me and I'll tell ya why), shelves and shelves for an endless amount of sports, and a queen sized bed, with a cowboy sheet on it. 

I tried to contain my laughter, but I couldn't. I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Cowboy... sheets" I said, laughing in between my words.

He was soon embarrassed. He yelled to his mom.

"Mom, I told you not to use the cowboy sheet!" he said with a whiney tone in his voice. He stuffed the blanket in his closet. But as he turned back around to face me again, I was already right in front of him. Very close to him.

To avoid another intense moment, I got even closer to his face and yelled.


"Ha ha. Very funny. Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, and began to speak.

"Lucas... I like you. I've liked you ever since I met you on the subway. But I decided that I didn't deserve to have you. So I made it seem as if I didn't like you, just so Riley could have you. I stepped back, because someone like me doesn't deserve to be happy. But now I'm done. I'm done hiding my feelings, just so other people can get my happily ever after. I'm just done. I can't take it. I can't take letting people take advantage of me, because they think I'm  vulnerable." I said, wiping the tears away from my eyes and my cheeks.

After a few seconds that felt like hours, Lucas began to speak.

"Maya, I like you to. I've always liked you more than Riley. I just decided to date Riley because I thought she was good for me, when you are actually good for me," he took something from his pocket and hid it behind his back, "when I was at the airport coming from Texas, I went to a little gift shop. I found a ring at a little gift shop, and thought I would give it to someone special, if I had ever found them."

He took the shiny piece of jewelry from behind his back. 

"I never thought of giving it to Riley, but know I think I'm ready to give it to that special person."

He got down on both his knees. He started to talk again.

"I will get down on one knee when I marry you. But for now, I will get down on both," he began, "Maya Hart, will you go out with me?" he said, holding out the promise ring, "I mean you don't have to say yes, it's not a big deal or anythi-"

I finally started to talk. 

"Can ya shut up so I can say yes?" I giggled.

"FINALLY!" he shouted. 

I hugged him. I finally feel safe and at home.

I really, really, really, really, really, like you Lucas Friar. And I'm being honest to myself right now. And it is about time I finally admitted it to myself, and to others. 

I like you Lucas Friar. A lot.



lucaya! finally! I hope you guys like this because what happened up there took 900 word to write. that's either 500 or 600 more than I have ever written.

ENJOY! *says in a forceful tone*

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