This Is The End

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i might be ending this book, and this could possible be the last chapter. But i might make a sequel. Read more at the end of the chapter.

Timeskip.... 1 year.

Maya POV


Everything has been so great.

Me and Lucas had our 1 year 2 month anniversary last week.

It has been such a long ride. Last year, we were little immature 7th graders. But today, we'll face the challenges of graduating. This is the last few steps I'll be taking around John Quincy Adams Middle School.

Regarding Lucas, we had very bumpy roads, but we fought through to the end. There was a period of time I was even jealous of the new girl, at the beginning of 8th grade, Mea Hopkins. But he promised to never look at another girl the way he looked at me. And I believe him.

And of course Riley and Farkle, the perfect couple, are still going strong.

What a ride.

I put on a nice outfit that would fit under my graduation gown. I curled my hair, and thought about all the fun we've had. I looked in the mirror. This isn't the girl that I have looked at in the mirror before.

I may be broken, but I will remain even more confident then ever before

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I may be broken, but I will remain even more confident then ever before.

Lucas POV

I am in such a mess.

I would never do this on purpose.

I've been cheating on Maya. This is the worst thing I could ever do to her.

At first it started with a small fling with Mea Hopkins, but then, it grew into something more. It's not like I like her. And I definitely don't do it with her. But I just feel like Texas Lucas is overthrowing the "Almost New and Improved Lucas Friar."

It's just something I can't control any longer. So I took it out on Mea.

With my lips.

But maybe after graduation, it'll all be better.

Timeskip to Graduation.....

Riley POV

"Maya Hart!" my father smiled proudly as he gave her the diploma. She put her hand out for him to shake, and he gave her a big hug. Sometimes, I just feel jealous.

Nah, I'm just kidding.

"Isaiah Babineaux!" Zay walked up to the front and was bowing like crazy.

"I TOLD YOU I COULD DO IT MOM!" he yelled.

"Valedictorian... Farkle Minkus!" he walked up so proudly to the stage.

"WHOO FARKLE!!" I yelled. Everyone laughed. I blushed.

"I'm going to rule the world! Eat this suckaass. HAAH!" Farkle said.

"Riley Matthews!" my dad said, winking at me.

"Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip." I said to myself.

And I didn't. I accepted my diploma with a big 'ol goofy smile on my face.

"Lucas Friar!" All the jocks cheered loudly. But they were no match for Maya.


But then the craziest thing happened.

Mea Hopkins, the new girl, ran up to him.

And she kissed him. I instantly turned to Maya's face to see her reaction.

And I did.

He broke her.

Maya POV

I couldn't take it anymore.

And the saddest thing is, he seemed into the kiss.

And that just broke me.


And I ran out.

Lucas POV

My worst mistake, ever.

I just broke the person I love most.

And what she told me really hurt me. But I'm the one that really hurt her.

And I wasn't about to lose her. So I ran after her.

"MAYA!" I yelled into the halls.

I heard heels clicking back and forth. And I followed the sound.

Click, Clack.

I heard the sounds stop. And then I found her. But she began to run again.

Click, Clack.

I ran after her. We went all around the school. It's like I could get closer to her, but I could never reach her.

Click, Clack.

And then she stopped.

She turned around.

'You keep following me, what do you want?" she said.

"Please, forgive me." I pleaded.

"Lucas tell me this, and if you answer correctly, I'll think about forgiving you." she said.

I nodded my head, as if to say please, tell me more.

" Is this the first time your lips touched hers?" she asked.

I turned my head away from her, I was guilty.

She scoffed. And then she began to walk away again.


"MAYA, Wait!" I yelled.

"No, Lucas."

Click, clack. She began to walk at a faster pace.

As she was walking she turned her head around.

"This is the end." she said.

I never knew four words could affect me so much. But they did, and now I know.

Click, clack.

The sound of the heels that were put on by the love of my life.

The sound that I heard as she walked away from me.

A sound, that will haunt me forever.



This is the last chapter in the book.

I think I'll make a sequel. But I want you guys to leave a comment below, and tell me what you want it to be about.

I'll even let you guys pick a title for the heck of it.

It will still be a lucaya and riarkle book.

And soon, I 'll give you a sneak peek of the first chapter.

But this will be goodbye.

For now.


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