Author's Note

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|| Summary ||

Hunter Ryan finds something when hiding in the old Janitor's closet at school. Something that doesn't belong to him, and something he most definitely shouldn't touch, because that would be a complete invasion of privacy.

So what does he do?

He flips to the first page, beginning to read the first entry written in the diary of Hazel.

Hazel. A girl with one hell of a life, that's for sure. But, who and where is she? 

* * *

Important: This book is set in Hunter's POV, and each diary entry from Hazel is in Italics! ♡

Disclaimer: All characters, events, locations, etc are all part of fiction. If there are any similarities to anything in particular, then that IS coincidental. If someone else has a book published extremely similar to mine, please private message me, theft is wrong, and I do not condone such act.

Also, just because my characters have opinions, interests, and thoughts, it doesn't mean I have those, they are made by my imagination so please don't get offended :)

My vocabulary may be strange at times to readers because I am from New Zealand. For example, I use 'Mum', not 'Mom', we also spell many words with the letter 'U' in them :) (so basically, I use British English)

Also, I'm a HUGE lgbt supporter, and so far, all my books have at least one lgbt character. Including this series, so please, don't hate on anyone or make any homophobic comments. I do not tolerate such discrimination, as I want my book to be a safe place. Even though this book isn't based around lgbt - nor are the main characters lgbt, there are still quite a few elements/characters of lgbt through the series ❤ Thank you, love you x

Thank you,

Chloe xx

[Cover credit to weightingoId amazing! X and I also put all of the above that are in italics at the start of my book 'Thea' too x]

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  ||Update Days: Everyday - Twice - unless warned otherwise ♡ All in New Zealand time x||

First Short Story, yay! :)

I'm so excited to write and update this book! I had this whole idea about two years ago and planned it out as a novel, but now I've decided to write it as a short story for a few reasons. 

1) I didn't want to wait until after 'Broken Perfection' & 'Candy Floss' before FINALLY starting this, I'm way too pumped!

2) It will work better as a short story because the writing format will be more focused on diary entry writing, which means shorter chapters and way more updates! But it won't just be a diary entry in every chapter, since this is in Hunter's POV, it will still have his internal monologue - and maybe even a little dialogue - before or after the entry he reads. It's all apart of the story and development.

3) I wanted to give y'all something to read while I'm editing Thea and everything :) Because I love you guys so incredibly much and I'm so grateful for everything <3

By the way, as I mentioned above, this is a double update, I have posted this Author's Note AND the Prologue! :) Go go go go go, lemme know what you think!!!

- Chloe x

Highest rank: #13 In Short Story! I'm so grateful and happy, thank you so much! x

The Diary Of Hazel (Diary Series #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now