Prologue: Intro

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|| Hunter Ryan at the top, played by David Lambert (But with green eyes, not blue and black hair) :) ||


Why can't he leave me alone? 

Seriously, what did I ever do to him? Steal his garden salad?

Or maybe he's angry because I ate Pizza for lunch today. Knowing how much of a health freak he is, he probably hates Pizza.

And I mean, I wish I could fight him back but I can't. Yeah I may have some muscle under the black sweater I'm wearing, but if you ever see Trenton - or 'Trent' as he likes to be called - then you'll understand. He's humongous, it's honestly ridiculous!

I bet he's on steroids.

Which is exactly why I'm running away instead of fighting. 

He took me by complete surprise today, but come on, I was in the freaking Art room when he came in and literally attacked me for no apparent reason.

At least I don't need to get my back clicked anymore.

But that's not the point.

The point is, I have no idea why I'm being chased down the empty hallway of my school. It's empty because he chose to come at me during fifth period, when everyone was in class. I have a free period - well, I had a free period.

Lucky for Trenton, Miss Ferlon (my Art teacher) wasn't in the Art room to give him detention or something for what he did. 

Not so lucky for me obviously, because I just end up getting tackled to the ground and a right hook to the face. My precious face.

It's a good thing that I run every morning and night then, because otherwise Trenton would have already caught up by now. But, there's this one problem (other than all my other problems), I don't know where to run to. Where to hide.

There are obvious places, like a classroom, but most classrooms are full of students right now, and that wouldn't be the best idea. Because let's be real for a second, I would get the blame, not him, and I can do without the embarrassment thank you very much.

Yup, that's high school. The unfair hell that burns you alive with every step.

Over-exaggeration? I think not.

Don't get me wrong though, I actually love my classes, I just can't stand 99.9% of the people here. That 0.1% I can stand is my best friend, Liam Hayes.

I've run through all the hallways of our school with a murderous Trenton following behind me, leading us to the abandoned section that will soon be demolished. This part of the school is out of bounds, and exactly what I need right now. 

I see the corner that will lead me to my safe haven, and push my legs faster, making a bee-line for the turn, trying to out run the ogre on my heels enough that he won't see where I go.

As soon as I step foot around the corner, I yank open the frayed wooden door to my left and stumble in, shutting the door quickly behind me.

I cross my fingers that he never saw me and crouch down. These are the moments that I scold myself for having such an undying obsession with skinny jeans, because why?

It's situations like these that make me question my whole life really. So damn constricting and unmoving. Oh, don't forget about uncomfortable.

But back to the task at hand.

I wait and listen for Trenton, dreading that he saw me, but after five minutes of no sign of him, I stand up.

But, when I go to do said action, I bang right into a bucket and - what I assume is - a broom, causing me to slip and fall back, landing against the wall of shelves. 

The Diary Of Hazel (Diary Series #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now