☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #12 ☆

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Dedication: ElectricJade, Wow, thank you so much! You're one of my readers who comment the most (Along with a few others <3) and I love reading them! And your taste in music? Freaking amazing :o <3 Anyway, thank you so much! xx

|| Trent is so hot o.o just saying ||

Date: 30/01/16, Saturday

Time: 11:18pm

Dear Mister Diary,

God, where do I even start? Tonight was incredible!

Yes, I know, we went to the movies, but he surprised me after by taking me to this fancy Italian restaurant called 'Delizie Belle'.

And let me tell you something extremely (And I mean EXTREMELY) important; THE FOOD'S INCREDIBLE , WOW, IT WAS LIKE HEAVEN IN MY MOUTH.

There was another thing Trent surprised me with tonight.

A kiss when he dropped me off home only twenty minutes ago.

Now, it's not exactly the kiss that surprised me, but that he didn't try for more than a simple (close mouthed) kiss.

It wasn't lust-inducing, or a big moment where 'fireworks' exploded. But, it was my first kiss, and it was nice.

Trent, on the other hand, was more than just nice. He was a complete gentlemen the whole night, total sweetheart, from the moment he picked me up.

I was rummaging through my make up bag in search for my tinted lip balm, when a knock on the front door made me jump.

"Aha! Found you." I shouted before clamping a hand over my mouth. Oops.

"How can you find me, if you're not facing me." A deep voice spoke from my doorway, and I spun around faster than I thought possible.

There Trent stood, smirking at me from across my room.

Well, at least I was dressed, right? Otherwise, that would have been too awkward for me to handle.

"Hey." I said softly - mainly because I was still shocked to see him in my room.

"Your sister let me in if you were wondering. But anyway, you look smoking hot, ready to go?" He held out his hand, looking me up and down with no shame.

Was he serious? Smoking hot? Right then.

"Uh, thanks, yeah let's go. Don't want to miss the movie." I mumbled, and took his hand dishearteningly.

Trent must have noticed the slight disappointment in my eyes, because he pulled me closer, and stared into them apologetically.

"You're beautiful, okay?" I smiled, nodding and we finally left to go on our date.

And if I'm to be honest with anyone it's you, Mister Diary, the date wasn't what I was expecting.

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