☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #18 ☆

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Dedication: timessqaure1215, thank you for all of reads, votes, and comments! :) I hope you're liking it so far xx

Date: 12/03/16, Saturday

Time: 7:02pm

Dear Mister Diary,

So, it's been a month since I last wrote? Damn, it's gone fast.

I'm sorry, life's just been really... good lately. It's hard to explain, but I just haven't felt the need to write.

What's there really to write about at the moment?

Nothing's really happening at home, except that Mum's been a bit more lively this past month.

But Dad's been the opposite, his quiet 'brooding' thing that he had going on, has gotten a little less silent.

He's just snapping here and there, mostly at me, but I can handle it.

For now at least. There's only so much I can take.

Tess is great, she's been really happy lately, and she's even met this girl. They're not together exactly, they just like each other at the moment and are friends.

I'll give her a fake name because she's not 'out' yet.

What should I name her?

She's quite sweet, bisexual, kind, caring, supportive and very bubbly.

Let's call her Cinderella.

She's very pretty too, I'm actually kind of jealous. But she's too nice to be bitter towards.

I haven't seen Liam with Maleficent since the last time I wrote about. He's been talking to me a lot more, and he's managed to become a close friend of mine.

He still hangs with Hunter at school of course, I would never break a friendship up.

Sadly, Liam seems to be doing that on his own.

Not recently, but I still think that he should tell Hunter. I would bring it up with Liam, but I don't want him to know I've been spying on him.

Liam would probably never talk to me again if I spilled his little secret. Then again, I know what he's doing is wrong. I know that Hunter would want to know. I know that Hunter wouldn't do this to him.

Well, I don't really know, do I?
And if you're wondering, no, I haven't talked to Hunter since a month ago.

I'm pretty sure he forgot all about my existence anyway. That's how it feels.

But, I have Trent, and he's been great. He's the definition of sweet. He actually surprised me the other day with my favourite chocolate (Almond), and a bouquet of white roses - the same flower as the one he gave me on the day he first asked me out.

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