Q&A (Answers)

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So, here are my answers to the questions you all asked! I hope I've answered them to your standards :) Love you all <3

Questions about the diary series:

1.) @fkssam46 & @tintedmelodies asked:

Will there only be two books?

Is there going to be a third book?

Hmm, this is all I have planned :) But I haven't completely made up my decision yet, so look out for an update about that!

UPDATE: Yes, I will be writing a third book! :)

2.) _Book-Addict_  asked:

Will there be a new character called Dana which will marry Hunter? XD

Hey, Dana, what an interesting question you have there ;) Shall I answer you? Mm, I don't know xD Kidding, kidding! No, I don't think anyone (*cough* you *cough*) will be stealing Hunter away from Hazel, sorry! Or will they? :P

3.) @timessquare1215 asked:

How many books will there be?

Possibly only these two, but you never know! If I come up with a third (or fourth) idea, there might be more! But I already have an idea for a completely different book so most likely not.

4.) @timessquare1215 asked:

When did you first come up with the idea of writing 'The Diary Of Hazel'?

When? Well, I first thought of the idea in 2014 actually XD But back then, I wasn't as developed as a writer, and I was so strung out with writing such a huge (length & plot wise) book 'Thea', that I just didn't have the time or expertise to write it. I finally wrapped up 'Thea' at the end of last year, and originally I planned to write TDOH as a short book to write before I started my other book 'Broken Perfection' which has been on hold for two years xD But I never imagined the success this book would get! It's incredible, and I couldn't stop with just one book! :)

5.) @the_maskedauthor asked:

What inspired you to write this amazing book?

Aww thank you so much! :) Um, it was so long ago when I thought of this idea (2014), but I don't think I had strong, particular, inspiration. Though, there is a little inspiration behind it and it's kind of ironic. Buuut, I've never stuck to writing a diary throughout my life, I could just never complete one. It's completely beyond my skill. So writing a book based diary entries proved to be challenging, and writing is all about challenging yourself in ways you never thought of.

I first got the idea of writing a diary formatted book from another book. I don't even remember the title, I just remember it being a book about a journal, and it was a very messy book, and really depressing. But in no way is it related to TDOH, it's just the first diary like book that I've ever read. So yeah :) And I'm glad you like it!

Questions about my writing:

1.) @tori_the_smart_one & asked:

How did you continue this book without getting serious writer's block? Because I'm suffering from it rn.

How did you push yourself to write EVERY DAY? What's your best advice for writer's block? (I suffer from it big time)

I actually get really bad writer's block! Especially with my first ever book 'Thea', that was a terrible time for me when it came to updating. But whenever I got it in this book, I made sure to just push through, and tap away at the keyboard no matter what, even if I had no idea what I was writing xD Something that really helped me though, was the fact that I took my time before I started, to plan the whole book (or at least the important plot points).

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