☆ Epilogue ☆

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Dedication: Shimmerousity, thank you so much for sticking to the end with me like so many others :) I appreciate all your comments + votes too, thank you x Hope you enjoy this epilogue.

Hazelnuts at the top! Anyone? xD


Hazel's POV:

Life's strange, you know?

So many things happen, everything goes so fast and next thing you know, three months pass. But you don't feel any more developed than you did in April. Mentally, or even emotionally.

The only people who know about what happened that night are Liam, Tess, and weirdly enough, Hunter. But no, I know what you're thinking, and we haven't talked since the kiss.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, but, I have a boyfriend.


Though, now that I think about it, I don't know if he still is my boyfriend. It's been a while since we've seen each other, let alone talked.

I think it's because I never told him about hunter, then I disappeared for a week or two. Obviously I had a good reason but he didn't - doesn't - know that.

Back to Hunter though, I've been avoiding him. Look okay, he keeps trying to talk to me. I know it might seem snobby but I just can't right now. I liked him for so damn long without him ever acknowledging my existence, and what? Suddenly, now he knows who I am?

I'm a little hurt at his ignorance but that doesn't matter now, because I like Trent. Not Hunter-

 "Ow." I murmur, rubbing my head as I get up off the ground, "Stupid wall, I have my eyes on you."  

Thinking and walking may have not been the smartest idea I've ever had, but who's saying I'm smart?

Glaring at my new found enemy, I turn the abandoned hall corner, heading to the one place I've been avoiding.

The old Janitor's closet.

Why have I been avoiding it? Because my diary's in there and I don't know if I'm ready to see it.

Not when it reminds me of so much.

* * *

Three Months Earlier

My diary drops from my grasp as the bedroom door swings open.

Feeling like I'm caged in, my breathing begins to function unevenly. I can't believe this is happening.

"You little b*tch!" My father growls in a slur, lurching towards me. Me? I can't make a sound, too shocked, too scared.

Large, clammy hands wrap themselves around my throat, and squeeze. Gasping for breath, I claw at his wrists, trying to get him away from me but nothing seems to be working.

"You've ruined everything!"

Dark spots starts appearing, before he releases me. Ignoring the pain and dizziness, I roll away from the fuming man, making another attempt to escape.

But my Father doesn't let me get two meters away before I feel him yank my ankle back.

"Jesus girl, look at yourself. You're a mess." He snarls, lifting me off the ground in a clumsy manner.

The screams I let out in panic, hoping for someone to hear, don't sound as loud as I had originally hoped. They sound like I've been swallowing rocks and razors. Which is what it feels like.

The Diary Of Hazel (Diary Series #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now