☆ Hazel's Diary Entry #13 ☆

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Dedication: xXshantaeXx, thank you for all your comments! I love replying to you, and I love your opinions :) xx OH AND THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT + KIND WORDS ON MY POETRY BOOK ♡♡

|| Hazel at the top! I changed who plays her :) ||

Date: 02/02/16, Tuesday

Time: 12:48pm

Dear Mister Diary,

I handed in my poem today.

I'm nervous about it, because what if it's horrible? I know that this assignment doesn't count towards our overall grade, but poetry is important to me. It's how I express myself.

Well, and this diary. But there's nothing more expressive than a bunch poetic words, amirite?

I can't believe I just wrote 'amirite', ugh, why didn't I just write 'am I right', because I'm too lazy to spell properly, put two spaces and one extra letter?

Anywillow, my anxiety seems to spike when I think of my poem. My words, thoughts, emotion about high school all written down on a piece of paper.

It's daunting. It really is.

Just in case Mr Cross keeps the poems, I should probably have a back up one for myself (well, one that's written on paper at least).

Lucky for me, I had typed the poem on my phone before copying it onto paper, so I still have it.

And here it is:


Chemicals, toxic to breathe

Same as the air within these walls

People, diverse but hidden

Fear strangling them in these halls

Observations, watch your step so you don't fall

Judgement always near

Fake, everybody who walks by

Acceptance never here

Cliques, being categorized into a box

Difference always clear

Insults, words that scar your heart

Sharpening the knife, you're forced to hear

Abuse, targeting the unknown or the 'strange'

You fight another tear

High School, toxicity that all of us have to bear

The Diary Of Hazel (Diary Series #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now