Different Point Of Views

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----Ruby's P.O.V.----

"I was so worried about you!!" I said, scooping my little sister up and hugging her tightly. Then I noticed the girl with black hair just staring at us. I sat Yang down, and looked at the girl. "Hey there, you lost?" I asked her, I could smell her scent a little bit back, so I knew she was a faunus.

"No, I know where my caretaker is." The girl told me, but I just had to know. "Your caretaker? You don't have a mother or father?" I asked, and the girl gave a small smile. "My caretaker is like a mother to me." She stated. Well, that was a little unexpected from a child.

"We have to be going now, but we'll see you around, alright kid." I said, though to her, it probably sounded like a question. She smiled and nodded, "We'll probably meet somewhere else." She told us, then turned her attention to Yang. "I......I'll see you around, Yang." She blushed a little, I'm sure, as she hugged my little sister. I smiled when Yang hugged her back. "For sure." She smiled at the girl.

After that we left the park. I held out my hand for Yang to take, which she did. "So, you have a new friend now." I said with a slight teasing tone. "What's her name?" I asked, smiling at the little blushed on her cheeks.

"H-Her name is Blake." She continued to blush. My sis was so cute sometimes. "What's for dinner?" Yang asked, taking the subject of her. "Not sure, you want some pizza?" I questioned, to which her face brightened up.

Pizza wasn't something we could have a lot of, so when we could get it, Yang always got so excited. "Yesyesyesyes!!!" The young girl said, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but smile, this little girl had saved me more times than I care to tell you.

I chuckled, "Alright, alright. Calm down before you tear my arm off." I joked. She stopped and made sure my arm was still there, then punched it playfully. "Love you big sis." She said, to which I smiled even more. "Love you, too, little sis." I said.

-------------Weiss POV---------------

"Blake, you shouldn't run off like that." I said to the small panther faunus. The girl smiled, "I made a friend." She stated.

I could here the hope in her voice. She was hoping I wouldn't be mad at her for running off. I frowned. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing she was making friends. Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's cute she has a friend, but I don't want her to be like me. It's hard to explain............okay, so it's not so hard to explain so much as me just not wanting to admit it.

What I mean is that it's hard for me to say that I'm a lesbian. I just said, so I hope everyone's happy now. "Is something wrong, Weiss?" Blake asked me, and I sighed. I couldn't take the girls friend away from her, it was amazing the she even talked to someone her own age.

I have her a small smile, "Everything's fine, Blake, I was just thinking about my father is all." That wasn't too far from the truth, my father had disowned me publicly, when I told him, he was furious.

Blake frowned, "It's alright, he can't get to you. You know that." The girl told me. It was true, I was put in a protection program after the police found out about my father's past. I bent down and picked the small girl up.

She giggled and put an arm around my neck, I love that giggle of hers. "I know, I just feel sorry for him." I told her. I didn't feel sorry for that man, if you can call him that, at all. "Don't lie, Weiss." The faunus said, "I know it hurts."

I smiled at the seven year old, she was smarter than she looked. "What have I said about calling me by my name?" I teased her, watching a small blush come to her cheeks. "I-It would be e-embarrassing to call you m-mother." I smiled at her.

"Alright, let's get home, okay?" I said, starting to walk to our apartment building.

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