Ruby's Past

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Ruby Rose, a smart, dedicated student, had just begun a test. It was her final test for the day, and she couldn't be any more happy. The last thing she expected, though, was to be called to the headmaster's office.

"Ruby Rose, please report to the headmaster's office immediately. I repeat, Ruby Rose, please report to the headmaster's office immediately."

Ruby looked up at the teacher, who nodded towards the door. Ruby was out of her seat, and out the door, before any of the other students could say anything.

The wolf faunus opens the door, stopping in front of the desk. "Professor Ozpin, what's happened?" She asked worriedly, fearful of what might have happened.

"I have been informed that there has been an incident at your home. You are to leave immediately." The man said calmly. Ruby had run out of the office the second Ozpin finished talking, making a bee-line to her car.

As she drove down the road, a police officer pulled up behinds her, tailing her till they got to her house. Ruby jumped out her car, rushing to the ambulance. She could barely see, her tears clouded her vision.

"What happened?!" She asked, seeing her little sister in the ambulance on a streacher. The paramedics looked to her, "Is she your daughter, ma'am?" One asked, to which Ruby shook her head.

"No, I'm her older sister. Now, please, tell me what happened." She said desperately. The female paramedic looked at Ruby, then the other paramedic, silently asking him to leave. He left without a word, already having gone through this enough times to know not to question the women involved, as that is the policemen/women's job.

"Your father, he committed serious crimes around noon today. We only got here about 20 minutes ago, but the girl has lost a lot of blood. When we arrived, he was already being handled by the police, so we went to check if anyone had been hurt. I found this young girl laying on a bed with blood coming from below. It would seem that the man might have raped the girl, then took a knife and stabbed her multiple times in the abdomen. We have managed to stop the bleeding, but she will need a blood transfusion, and major psychological help." The woman explained.

Ruby couldn't believe what she was hearing, she didn't want to believe it. 'This can't be happening, there's no way this could be happening!' She thought to herself.

Ruby broke, that was it, she just couldn't hold it any more. She cried for her mother, for Yang's mother, for her sister, and hell, even for her bastered of a father.

----------The Hospital A Year Later---------

"She's stable enough to go home, but please make sure to be with her and to keep her happy. We don't need her to have a relapse." The woman said, to which Ruby nodded.

"Of course. Thank you for all the help you and the others have given us." She said, holding a sleeping Yang. With a nod from the nurse, Ruby walked out of the hospital, and to her car.

Once at her car, she put Yang the car-seat and strapped her in. Once the were on the road, Ruby decided to go to a pizza place. She wanted to give Yang all the love she never got, the little girl needed it now more than ever.

"Sis?" Yang asked, noticing Ruby's sad smile. Ruby just shook her head, and continued to drive.

About a week later, Ruby was called to the principles office of her school. The man had noticed Ruby was more tired than usual. "Ms Rose, I've noticed your grades have started slipping up lately. The staff have told me that you keep falling asleep in class, they are worried about you, as I am too. Tell me, is something going on at home?"

To Ruby, it sounded like he was telling her to tell him...............and she did. She told him how she and her sister moved, how her sister required attention she couldn't give her, about what happened when she left school that day a year ago, that she's had to get two part-time jobs just to keep up with rent and to make sure they had food. She broke down, her walls crumbled, and the tears fell down her face.

She was hugged by the assistant principal, a woman who had a soft spot for kids, but was otherwise strict. She held her till she stopped crying. "Ruby, you should have told us, we could've helped you." She told her, "But now, you only have two options, you either quit one of your jobs, or you drop out."

"Now, Ruby, understand that once you drop out, if that is your choice, you will not be able to come back to us. Do you understand?" The man asked, to which Ruby nodded solumly.
"I can't quit my job, so I'll have to drop out. I love this school, and I thank you for letting me attend, but my sister and her needs come first. I'll pack my things, and get out of here. I had a good time studying under you and the staff. Goodbye Ozpin, Glenda."

With that, Ruby packed up her stuff, and returned the books she baroed from the school library, and left in her car.

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