Chapter 13

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Manik had opened up to Nandini and had let go of his emotions. He had cried for hours but she didn't stop him once. She just held him tight to make him aware that she won't leave him ever and would be with him.

And that was the assurance that Manik needed. Nandini's presence made him feel better. Her words gave him the strength to fight back.

Manik decided that it was enough. And he would not shed anymore tears for the persons who don't care about him.

Sensing that Manik had stopped crying, Nandini broke apart and looked at him.

"Are you okay now?", she asked as softly as she could.

Manik stared at her and looked into her eyes. She was unique, beautiful ,the charming and alluring smile, her ever caring nature....... All just made her so imperfectly perfect.
Manik thanked his stars for bring her into his life, otherwise he didn't know how he could have survived.

"Manik?", Nandini asked again as she got no reply the first time.

"Yeah...... I am fine now. I will be okay, I just need some time. But I will sort this out.", Manik replied and then looked back at her, " By the way thanks for coming. I may not have been okay now if you would not have supported me."

"Its was my pleasure. Like you I too don't mind helping others.", Nandini laughed repeating Manik's words at the bar.

A smile curled up his face when he saw the beautiful angel laughing in front of him.

The phone rang breaking their moment together. Manik took it out from his back pocket.

He flipped it open and the caller ID showed 'Mom'.

"Oh god..... ", Manik picked up the phone and quickly said," I am coming Mom.... Just few minutes."

He stood up on the terrace and headed downstairs. Nandini too followed his actions. Confusion all over her face. Now what is left. Isn't this enough for one night.

"I had left, Mannat at my parents home before going to the hotel. Now she is showing tantrums cause she don't sleep until I tuck her in.", Manik tried to explain,

" I am going to pick her up. Do you want me to drop you home.", Manik asked though he wished her to stay but he didn't want her to suffer because of him.

"No, no I will wait until you bring back Mannat. Then I would head home.", Nandini said.

"Won't Rishab be worried?", Manik asked with genuine concern.

Nandini was surprised as how can he think of other people wellbeing when he himself is in such a mess. She felt huge amount of respect for him and it seemed to her, that how selfish she had been.

"I don't think so. But I will call him anyway to make him aware of my whereabouts. I presume he won't have a problem as long as I stay with you. He trusts you a lot", Nandini smiled.

"Oh....okay then.", Manik replied, " I will be back soon.".

He picked up the car keys and left.

Nandini came down from the terrace and entered into the hall. The house was well decorated with beautiful internal designs.
There were two bedrooms. One was painted pink and was stuffed with lots of stuffed toys, Teddy's and Nandini understood that it was Mannat's room.

The other had a large king size bed with family photos of Manik Mannat Soha hung all around the room.

The rest of the apartment had a large working office as Manik worked from home, a spacey kitchen and several other rooms. Manik had probably hired the best designers of Newyork during its construction.

Nandini then moved towards the kitchen and a thought struck her. She should make something for dinner. She very well knew that Manik had not eaten anything and she herself was feeling hungry.

She entered into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. The food packets and utensils were arranged in a perfect manner in rows.

Quickly Nandini was able to find all the things she needed and she began preparing the dinner. She decided to prepare something light. She quickly chopped the vegetables as she wanted to make some soup to go along with the bread.

Soon the water was boiling with the chopped vegetables in it. Nandini added the spices and was stirring it lightly, when she heard the door opening in the hall.

"Nandini?!", Manik's low voice came and she turned around to find Manik standing at the kitchen door with sleeping Mannat over his shoulders.

"I thought of making some dinner as you probably had nothing from noon. Woh, sorry.... I should have asked you before doing it.", Nandini spoke in a low voice thinking that Manik would feel bad as she had started doing all the work even without asking him.

Manik sensed her uneasiness and replied," I don't mind you using the kitchen. But unless you are okay with the cooking or so. Otherwise I can also order dinner."

"Its almost done. I will serve it. Till then you can put Mannat to bed.", Nandini again focused on the soup which was now ready. She heated the bread slices and applied butter to it. And soon she served it on the table.

Meanwhile Manik tucked his little princess in bed and gave her a warm for head kiss and whispered,"Love you pumpkin,".
He switched off the lights and watched his sleeping doll till he closed the door.

Manik reached the dining space where Nandini had arranged everything. They both sat next to each other and had their dinner in silence.
It was not an uncomfortable silence but a silence of understanding.

After dinner, Nandini took the dished to the sink and washed them. She then came out and gathered her belongings.

"I should go now. It's already pretty late.", Nandini said walking to the door.

"Okay, but wait I will come with you.", and Manik was going to fetch his keys but Nandini stopped him.

"Manik, its fine. I can manage it. You cannot leave Mannat alone.", she said in an understanding tone.

"But.....", Manik was cut off by Nandini," Manik, I can go home by myself. And I will give you a call after I reach home."

"Okay.....but don't forget to ring.... And thanks for the dinner", Manik said.

"Yup I will. Good bye then.", Nandini smiled and waved a bye while walking out of the house.

"Bye.....", was all he could utter before she left and the next moment he was already missing her presence and all he wished was to meet her again soon.

I don't know whether this part is upto mark or not. Please do tell me, you like it or not......

And don't forget to comment and vote.

And do give a read to my other story, Manan-ff Its not meant to be.

Till then happy reading.

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