Chapter 42

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"I love you Manik..... I love you so much....", she said and she felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her tiny frame.

"I love you too."

Nandini found her lost peace and solace in those arms as she placed her head on his chest enjoying the constant beat of his heart.

But suddenly the warmth started disappearing, Nandini quickly opened her eyes and found that Manik was vanishing from her arms.

"Manik!!", she panicked looking towards him but Manik didn't stop and within a few minutes he vanished completely into thin air leaving Nandini alone and cold.

"Nandini! Nandini!", it was unmistakably  Manik's voice. Nandini looked around in the dark....... But nothing.

"Nandini!!", Manik shouted again.

Nandini's head felt heavy and all started looking dizzy for her. Slowly she lost her hold on the earth and ..............

"Nandini?", Manik shook her shoulders.

Nandini slowly opened her eyes to find Manik lying beside her shaking her.

"Manikk", she uttered slowly and Manik crashed himself against her.

"Why were you crying in sleep, Nandini......... I got so afraid when I found you crying and mumbling beside me....... Was it something bad?", Manik asked looking into her eyes as he wiped the tears gently.

Nandini stared at him for a long time without blinking. She feared once she closed her eyes he would vanish.

She then looked around her and saw she was in her bed in her house with her man.

Gone were the dark buildings, the cold damp fearful surroundings. She closed her eyes waiting for them to reappear but when she reopened her eyes she was still with Manik.

Manik stared at her not understanding what was happening. It was about half an hour ago when Manik felt shudders escaping from Nandini who was in his arms.

He felt she was having a nightmare and so he tightened his grip on her as she clutched him more tightly.

But then she started mumbling something under her breathe and tears flowed down her eyes. Manik tried to calm her down with his touches and kisses but when nothing worked he decided to wake her up.

And now she was looking all around as if trying to figure out where she is.

"Nandini..... Hey...its okay. I am here with you.", Manik spoke slowly pulling her in his arms and kissed her hairs.

"Manik, please don't ever leave me...., I can't live without you.", Nandini said looking into his brown eyes.

Manik got it was a nightmare regarding them.

Him and she.

And whatever it was, it has scared the hell out of her. Manik hated to see his love in such vulnerable state.

He pressed his lips on her and kissed her gently.

"See in my head, I term this little act of ours as eternal joy, the peace, the joy, the happiness that I feel when I kiss you, is what I will always treasure and will want to have it forever. So how can I let it go, my soon to be wifey.", Manik said pecking her lips again.

Nandini smiled widely at him and asked," Oh..... So you just want to keep me because you like kissing me?"

Manik gave out a little laugh and replied," No...... Its only one of the thousand reasons that I love about you."

"Do you have a list," Nandini asked amazed.

"Yes kind of. But not that I have written them on a paper or so, if you are thinking that way.", Manik said and leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

Blood flushed through her cheeks and soon she was all pinky red.

"Ah that's another one..... I love about you",Manik said trailing his fingers across the blush making her blush more.

"Manik let's get married!", Nandini spoke suddenly turning towards him.

"Yeah we will.", Manik smiled.

"No no..... I mean let's get married now. Today.", Nandini spoke sitting up on the bed.

"What? But we planned the venue and all. Everything is settled. Its just two weeks more.", Manik told her.

Everything was almost finalised. Their wedding was just 2 weeks away........ And Nyonika and Rishab and others had perfectly planned out their wedding.

Nandini had happily agreed to all the things. Manik was unable to get her sudden urge to get married today.

He saw Nandini's face fell as he explained her the things.

"Okay, throw it out. What is it?", Manik asked getting up and settling beside her.

"It was a bad dream a nightmare. You left me on my wedding day.....", Nandini spoke in an almost inaudible tone and the fear of losing Manik gripped her again.

Manik felt her get tensed and he could easily feel her fear. Manik can never see his life in pain. Never.

"Okay...... If that's what you want. Let's do it.", Manik said leaving the bed.

Nandini looked at him and asked,"Where are you going?"

Manik came to her and said
" Honey I am going to get married within the next few hours. And since it was all sudden, I have to get a suit for myself, a wedding gown for my bride, a church and a priest for the wedding. So if you excuse me, my dear."

Nandini leaped on him and wrapped her arms around him and squealed in joy..........

"We are getting married. Manik we are getting married."

"Yes we are.", Manik replied.

Guys love you for the amazing support and love. Its on #4 now. Ahhhhhh I am so happy.

Keep supporting and the next update is coming.

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Till then happy reading.

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